“Uplifting the Others” extends to every soul seeking a haven for spiritual exploration. Here, we understand the journey to reclaim your spirituality can bring bad memories tangled up in traumatic religious ideals. You're not alone if you feel wary or disconnected from your spiritual self due to past experiences.

Living LUNA: A Sanctuary for Soulful Exploration

If you had one religion pushed on you as the “right way to be,” you’ve experienced religious trauma. 

Have you been told you were wrong because you didn’t fit the framework provided by righteous family members, clergy, or religious institutions?

When religion is paired with fear, condemnation, and judgment, it is not nourishing or spiritual. This can lead to a complete split from our spiritual expression, which diminishes our quality of life and our connection to our Selves.

Learning to differentiate between oppressive religions and authentic spiritual expression is the first step. Then, you can begin to reclaim your connection to your spiritual self.

Here, Healing Begins

In the Living LUNA community, we believe there is no wrong way to believe and connect with your spirit.

Photo of Safrianna, MS, the Queer Spirit Guide, trauma informed therapist turned transformational thought leader. Safrianna is intimately familiar with the religious trauma that many of us have endured. Living LUNA believes in spiritual expression.

Spirituality is the inherent right of every being. It is our connection to our bigness–our allness. When we express ourselves spiritually, we are in connection with our own inner creator, a personal connection with the Divine only we can define. When we’re cut off from our authentic spiritual expression, we lose out on what makes meaning, awe, and wonder in our lives.

–Safrianna Lughna, The Queer-Spirit Guide

Modern society is full of religious institutions, churches, and even cults that aim to place people in fear. When we are afraid, we may martyr ourselves and suppress our truth in order to stay “safe.” It’s usually far from emotionally safe though. We will give our resources, material and energetic, for a chance at salvation.

Religious trauma shows up in many ways, from how we act around certain people, to the ideals we push without questioning them, to the way we find ourselves fearing spiritual practices.

Embrace Spirituality Without Fear

When Safrianna co-founded Living LUNA, she saw her role as a Spiritual Guide above all else. She teaches that when we connect with ourselves spiritually, we’re able to get into a more Self-connected state where we can create awareness, mindfulness, and profound self-understanding. Tuning into the Observer at a Soul-level and getting to know who we were, are, and what we came here to be, is a life-changing act. When we turn towards, rather than away from ourselves, we connect with the expansiveness of our energy beyond our body, into the interconnectedness of thoughts and feelings, all the way up to the cosmic level where we know ourselves to be a part of something greater. 

When we come together in community, we get to:

  • Heal together

  • Create compassion & understanding

  • Build our own spiritual identity

Your Unique Spiritual Identity, Celebrated

We all have our own guides and spiritual blueprint so there is no one size fits all approach to your spiritual identity. When we have access to this true knowing of the infinite spirit within us, we are no longer controlled by fear, shame, disappointment, and hatred. We have a direct line to LOVE and infinite energy. Therefore, Living LUNA believes in the freedom to explore and embrace your spirituality on your terms.

Resources for Empowerment

Living LUNA represents a collective of service providers here to provide you with the best counseling, consulting, coaching, and guidance tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

We believe the path to a spirituality that is trauma-informed, inclusive, and empowering. 

Living LUNA’s CEO, Safrianna Lughna, is also known as the Queer-Spirit Guide. She adopted this title because she believes in guiding people back to their unique (see: queer) way of connecting with their Higher Self. 

She hosts moon rituals for the Full and New Moon each month LIVE on YouTube. These calls lead curious and open minded participants through a practice of intention setting, energy clearing, meditation and/or journaling, and a collective card reading. Replays are always available on the channel! We hope you’ll join us in the near future for our spiritual tune ups!

Embracing Seasonal Success – Harnessing The Wheel Of The Year For Personal And Professional Growth 

How To Harness The Magic Of Intention ‒ Forget Motivation ‒ Be Intentional

Ritual For Everyone – What Defines A Ritual? — Part 1

Ritual For Everyone – How Self-Empowering Daily Rituals Can Change You – Part 2

Ritual For Everyone – Leveraging Seasonal & Lunar Transitions For Spiritual Expansion – Part 3

Redefine Your Spiritual Path

For too long, the narrative around spirituality has been dictated by structures that may not align with your true self. In the Living LUNA community, we embrace the beauty of diverse spiritual expressions and the power of personal transformation. We believe in a spiritual community that uplifts, heals, and empowers. You get to redefine your spiritual path!

Are You Seeking a Fun & Supportive Community Space?

Screenshot of the Living LUNAs Facebook Community
An image of the Facebook Logo

Facebook Community

Welcome to the Living LUNA Self-Love and Authenticity Circle, a place to connect on Facebook while fostering acceptance, joy, curiosity, and compassion. If you like Facebook, we’re here to create a haven of self-exploration!

Image of the Living LUNAs Discord Community
An image of the Discord logo.

Discord Community

Dive into our Discord Community where like minded individuals share wholesome memes, animals pics, and discuss entertainment, spirituality, and many other engaging topics. We also offer Co-Working Sessions and Body Doubling.

How Can Living LUNA
Support You?

An astronaut meditating in an alien landscape above Living LUNA's specialties. Living LUNA specializes in trauma informed, LGBTQIA+ inclusive, Autistic/Neurodivergent inclusive, spiritual trauma informed, and Polyamorous inclusive coaching.

Free Resources

We have a Podcast, YouTube, blog, and tons of content in our various social spaces. From Masterclasses on wellness to inspirational talks about authenticity, Living LUNA is here to expand self-love and alignment!

Logo for Living LUNA Courses. Living LUNA's courses range from co-working groups to self-paced self-help courses designed to help you come into better alignment with yourself.

Memberships & Courses

From our Co-Working Membership starting at only $5 a month to our self-paced self-help courses, we have bite-sized solutions to ongoing containers where you can embrace your authentic self!

An image showing the Living LUNAs logo along with the founders Safrianna Lugha, MS, the Queer Spirit Guide, and Ikenna Lugha, MS. It has the text "Providing the support you need."

1-on-1 Services

Coaching, Counseling, Consulting, & Guidance: Living LUNA represents a collective of service providers with a variety of backgrounds. Let’s work together to figure out how we can best support you!


Stay Up to Date

We’re here to establish meaningful relationships, collaborate in community, and create lifelong friendships. We don’t spam!

Want to stay updated on the latest developments in the Living LUNA community? You can subscribe to our email newsletter to stay in the loop! We send no more than 1-2 emails a week and average 2-4 monthly emails.

A silhouetted image of a group of people high fiving. Living LUNA celebrates diversity and the 'others' of the world. If you want to stay updated on the latest developments in the Living LUNA community, consider signing up for our newsletter.

Are you ready to explore a spirituality that feels safe and empowering? Join Our Newsletter for insights and inspiration, sign up for our communities to connect with others on similar journeys, and engage with our services to find your path through the spiritual wilderness.

Together, we’re Living LUNA. 🌈