Pleasure with Permission:
Exploring Consent as the Pathway to Bliss

A Masterclass by Safrianna Lughna, LCPC, MS — The Queer-Spirit Guide

Join Safrianna in an informative and inspiring masterclass that defines the role of consent in our lives.

Discover how seeking and granting permission in our interactions—from conversations to communal activities—can deepen connections and lead to healthier relationships, greater enjoyment in activities, and ultimately, true bliss.

Before watching the masterclass on YouTube or on the page below, you can grab our complimentary printer-friendly workbook which contains notes and details about Safrianna’s lecture, as well as journal prompts for deeper self-reflection.

When you watch this masterclass, you will discover: 

  • Consent Beyond the Physical: Grasp the full scope and significance of consent across all aspects of life, not just physical interactions.

  • Recognize and Apply Consent in Diverse Settings: Identify how to practice and respect consent in personal, professional, social, and digital contexts.

  • Learn Effective Communication for Consent: Uncover strategies to communicate boundaries clearly and compassionately, enhancing mutual understanding and respect.

  • Deepen Emotional Connections Through Consent: Explore how proper consent practices can lead to more meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

  • Promote a Consent Culture: Gain tools to foster environments that prioritize consent, contributing to safer and more respectful communities.

  • Empower Personal and Community Action: Discover actionable steps to integrate consent more fully into your daily interactions and encourage broader societal change.

You can also watch the full video directly on YouTube.
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"Consent cultivates a foundation of trust and respect that allows for authentic enjoyment,
unlocking opportunities for bliss across all areas of life."

"When we know what we want, and we share it with others who want the same, it feels amazing."

As you watch, you’ll find Safrianna covers:

What is Consent?

  • Consent goes beyond just physical/sexual consent - it applies to personal, professional, social, digital environments.

  • It involves agreement that is clearly communicated, enthusiastic, and freely given without coercion.

  • Consent cultivates trust, safety, enhanced connections, prevents misunderstandings, and promotes emotional wellbeing.

Effective Communication of Consent:

  • Use direct language, "I" statements to express boundaries clearly.

  • Practice active listening, ask clarifying questions, acknowledge others' boundaries.

  • Proactively ask for consent wherever possible using phrases like "Do I have your consent to..."

Deepening Connections Through Consent:

  • Consent deepens trust, reduces anxiety, allows authenticity.

  • Have flexibility even in intimate relationships to revoke/change consent.

  • Communicate boundaries bi-directionally to create a healthy dynamic.

Creating a Consent Culture:

  • Benefits include increased safety, reduced trauma/abuse, improved mental health.

  • Advocate for policy changes, open communication, education around consent.

  • Allows individuals to show up authentically and societies to transform.

Safrianna also addresses some of the impact of trauma on our relationships with consent, people pleasing, and codependency, woven throughout the teaching. At the end, she provides an energy clearing to gently release the past around our relationship with consent and welcome in a new future.

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If you wish to work with Safrianna to leap into living a life filled with enjoyment and soul-alignment, she offers opportunities ranging from self-paced courses to deep-dive one-on-one guidance. You’re invited to learn more about how to work with her one-on-one as a mentor and guide here.

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