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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

The Power of Being: Embracing Authenticity and Sacred Rage

We are often pushed to hide our true feelings, but what if embracing our emotions—even the uncomfortable ones—could be the key to unlocking our full potential? Join me as I sit down with Julie Palmer, self-described "human glitter," to explore the transformative power of authenticity and sacred rage.

We dive deep into the beauty of being fully present with our emotions, the pitfalls of spiritual bypassing, and the unexpected ways our personal growth can create ripples of positive change in the world. Discover how dancing with your anger might just lead you to a more joyful, connected life. Ready to embrace the full spectrum of your human experience? Read on to unlock the power of being truly, authentically you.

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

Moon Babes Tea & Chat: A Soul Connection Call with Kaitlyn Algar

Dive into a magical conversation between Safrianna, the Queer Spirit Guide, and Kaitlyn Algar, a psychic moon mentor, as they unravel the mysteries of intuition and spiritual growth. Discover how following your curiosity can lead you to your true path and why embracing your unique spiritual gifts is the key to personal empowerment.

From working with moon phases to understand your inner patterns, to navigating fear on your spiritual journey, this Soul Connection Call is packed with insights that will inspire and transform. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just beginning to explore your spiritual side, there's something here for everyone. Ready to dive deeper into your cosmic dance?

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

Embracing Authenticity: My Latest Podcast with The Passionistas Project

Ever felt like you're living someone else's life? In my latest appearance on The Passionistas Project podcast, I bare my soul and share my transformative journey from trauma therapist to Queer-Spirit Guide. Discover how embracing authenticity can shatter societal norms and unlock your true potential. From ReAwakening rituals that empower leaders to insights on polyamory, this episode is packed with wisdom. Ready to break free from hustle culture, heal generational trauma, and finally feel safe in your own skin? It's time to honor your boundaries, embrace your uniqueness, and step into your power!

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

The Infinite & Lion's Gate Portals: A Cosmic Dance of Rebirth and Abundance

As the cosmos aligns on 8/8, two powerful energetic gateways converge: the widely celebrated Lion's Gate Portal and the lesser-known Infinite Portal. This celestial double-feature offers a unique opportunity to supercharge your manifestation abilities and catalyze personal rebirth. But what exactly are these cosmic crossroads, and how can you harness their transformative power?

Dive into the mystical world of Voidwalkers and cosmic energy as we explore the synergies between these two portals. From embracing the void to speaking your truth, we'll uncover practical rituals and powerful affirmations to help you make the most of this auspicious time. Whether you're a seasoned cosmic traveler or simply curious about tapping into universal energies, this guide will help you step through the portal to a higher timeline.

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

The Force Awakening: Star Wars, Druidry, and Finding Balance in Business and Life

As a long-time Star Wars fan and practicing Druid, I've discovered striking similarities between the Force and Druidic concepts like Awen and Nwyfre. This realization has led me on a transformative journey, blending spiritual teachings with practical applications in both personal growth and business leadership.

In this blog post, we'll dive deep into the wisdom shared by Star Wars and Druidry, examining their codes and philosophies side by side. You'll learn how embracing both light and dark aspects of yourself can lead to more authentic connections and better decision-making in your professional life. Intrigued? Read on to discover how you can awaken the Force within and harness its power for success in business and beyond.

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

The Rise of Living LUNA: Empowering Diverse Voices Through Joy, Compassion, and Curiosity

In early 2022, a simple prayer request at Unity Church sparked the creation of Living LUNA, a beacon of hope and inclusivity. Founded by Safrianna Lughna and her partner Ikenna, this collective began as a podcast and rapidly evolved into a powerful movement dedicated to "Uplifting the Others" - those who have felt marginalized or overlooked by society.

From its roots in a closet recording studio to a comprehensive suite of services including counseling, workshops, and creative outlets, Living LUNA has become a home for neurodivergent individuals, LGBTQIA+ community members, polyamorous people, and many more. But what does it truly mean to "uplift the others," and how has this mission shaped the brand's growth? Click to discover the heartwarming story behind Living LUNA and learn how you can be part of this transformative journey.

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

Breaking Free: My Butterfly Journey from Burnout to Authenticity

For months, I've been on an intense journey of self-discovery, shedding old patterns and embracing my true nature. Like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, I've moved through stages of consuming, cocoon-like reflection, and finally, emerging with new wings. It's been a process of examining my shadows, especially around overworking and creativity, and learning to fly in a new, more authentic way.

As I reflect on this metamorphosis, I'm struck by how far I've come - and how this journey mirrors the experiences of so many others. If you've ever felt stuck in cycles of burnout, people-pleasing, or self-doubt, know that transformation is possible. Join me as I share the insights and tools that have helped me break free and take flight...

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

Embracing Pleasure: A Sacred Dance of Shadow & Light

In a world obsessed with hustle culture and self-denial, I'm making a radical case for something that shouldn't be revolutionary: Pleasure. Not just sexual pleasure, though that's part of it, but the full spectrum of joyful experiences that make life worth living. Recent trends in "purity and productivity culture" on social media have sparked this conversation – from denouncing self-pleasure to equating money with enjoyment. But what if there's more to life than these limiting beliefs?

Pleasure isn't just a luxury – it's our body's way of saying "yes" to life. It's the warmth of sunlight on your skin, the taste of your favorite meal, the rush of accomplishment after a challenge. But for centuries, society has viewed pleasure, especially when associated with the feminine, with suspicion. It's time to reclaim these vital, life-giving aspects of ourselves. Want to know how? Keep reading to discover the dance between shadow and light that can transform your life...

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

Behind the Scenes: Growing a Heart-Centered Brand from Scratch

As I sip my morning cacao, fresh from a garden stroll, I can't help but marvel at the unexpected journey that led to Living LUNA. Just weeks ago, my partner Ikenna was a video editing novice. Now, they're crafting beautiful visual stories for our brand. This scenario – diving headfirst into the unknown – has become our familiar dance over the past few years.

Rewind to 2020, when the world turned upside down. Like many, I found myself reevaluating everything – my career, my purpose, my dreams. As a mental health therapist, I felt powerless when clients expressed their need for community. That's when the spark ignited. I'd built communities before, but now a bigger vision was brewing: a space where people could embrace their authenticity without shame. Little did I know the challenges and triumphs that awaited us...

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

The Butterfly Effect: How My Personal Transformation Program Took Flight

When I first conceptualized the Butterfly Immersion experience, I had no idea how much it would transform not only my clients' lives but my own as well. What started as a live cohort has blossomed into a comprehensive, self-paced program that continues to grow and evolve, much like the butterflies we embody in this journey. As a trauma-informed guide and advocate for authentic living, I've always believed in the power of self-reflection and personal growth. But it wasn't until I found myself deep in the throes of my own metamorphosis that I truly understood the profound impact of this work.

Born from a powerful vision in a float tank, the Butterfly Immersion has become a symbol of hope and possibility for those seeking to transform their lives. This versatile program offers tools for navigating life's constant cycles of growth and change, helping participants increase self-awareness, release limiting beliefs, and embrace their authentic selves. Whether you're facing career challenges, relationship issues, or simply seeking a deeper connection with yourself, the Butterfly Immersion is here to support your journey of self-discovery and growth.

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

Breaking Free: How I Overcame Religious Trauma and Found My True Spiritual Path

I was just four years old when I first felt the crushing weight of religious guilt. Huddled under my Lion King comforter, I sobbed, begging an unseen God not to smite me for my inherent "wrongness." Little did I know, this was just the beginning of a long, painful journey through religious trauma that would shape my life for years to come.

But here's the thing about trauma - it doesn't have to be the end of your story. My path led me from the depths of religious fear and shame to a place of spiritual freedom and self-acceptance I never thought possible. If you've ever felt rejected, judged, or broken by religious teachings, know that there's hope. Join me as I share my story of breaking free from religious trauma and discovering a spirituality that celebrates authenticity, queerness, and the divine within us all.

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

Moving Beyond Second Guessing: Embracing Your Inner Wisdom

As I sit here, fingers hovering over the keyboard, I can't help but reflect on the complex relationship I've developed with my identity as a writer. For the past month after returning from my sabbatical, I've found myself in a peculiar dance with my creativity—blogging consistently, yet shying away from my deeper passions of poetry and novel writing. This is on the tail end of releasing my first poetry collection, and less than 9 months after publishing my first novel.

It's as if there's an invisible barrier between me and the stories my soul is here to tell, even though I've already seen the dream through not once, but twice now, as an author. I've literally achieved the status of best-seller for my poetry collection and five thought-leadership anthologies I've been featured in. Yet—I still hit this wall when I think about writing my heart and soul projects...

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

Coming Back to Wholeness After Trauma: Reclaiming the Full Self

Trauma, whether big or small, can leave lasting imprints on our lives, shaping our beliefs, behaviors, and sense of self. In this powerful exploration of healing and self-discovery, we delve into the impact of childhood experiences, the ripple effects of trauma, and the journey back to wholeness. Uncover the hidden patterns that may be holding you back and learn practical steps to reclaim your authentic self.

From daily self-reflection practices to challenging negative self-talk, this article offers actionable tips to start your path to empowerment. But the journey doesn't end there. Discover how SOUL SUGAR, a transformative 1-on-1 program, can help you break free from deep-seated patterns and trauma-shadows, revealing the sweet essence of who you truly are. Ready to taste the life you've always dreamed of? Click to read more and begin your journey to a sweetly empowered life.

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

The Critical Importance of Consent in Today's World

As a trauma survivor and former therapist, I've experienced firsthand how crucial consent is for creating a life of authentic joy and soul-level alignment. Yet in our world today, consent is being violated left and right, leaving many of us feeling powerless and disconnected from our true selves. It's time for a real conversation about consent – not just in our intimate relationships, but in every aspect of our lives.

Consent isn't just about saying "yes" or "no" to physical touch. It's about having the power to make choices about our bodies, our lives, and our futures. It's about creating a world where everyone's boundaries are respected and valued. But right now, that world feels far away for too many people. Join me as we explore the transformative power of consent and how it can lead to deeper relationships, healthier communities, and a more equitable society.

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Safrianna Lughna Safrianna Lughna

Buck Moon Magic: Harnessing the Power of the Second Capricorn Full Moon

The Buck Moon is upon us, bringing a potent energy that calls us to higher realms of consciousness. As our second consecutive Full Moon in Capricorn, this rare celestial event offers powerful opportunities for clearing and renewal. Join me as we dive into the wisdom this Full Moon brings and explore how to harness its transformative power.

In this blog, we'll uncover the five key invitations of this Full Moon, from examining our sense of security to releasing what no longer serves us. Discover the practices we used in our live Full Moon ceremony, including intention setting, energy clearing, and a guided visualization with the mythical seagoat. Learn how to celebrate this lunar event in your own unique way and embrace the cosmic support for your personal growth and empowerment.

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