Safrianna Lughna, LCPC, MS,
the Queer-Spirit Guide

Becoming the Butterfly Immersion Experience:

Where your shadows become strengths and dreams take flight!
Break free from limiting beliefs and emerge renewed!

Do you find yourself repeating cycles of behavior that leave you feeling unfulfilled or disconnected from your true desires? 

Do you resonate with the symbolism of the butterfly and feel called to undergo your own metamorphosis?

Are you always open to a little more magic in life?

If this sounds like you, and you’re ready to transform, releasing limiting beliefs and stepping into your authentic power, the Butterfly Immersion Experience is for you!

Just as a caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis to become a beautiful butterfly, you, too, have the ability to transform your life from the inside out. This program, created by holistic wellness expert and spiritual guide, Safrianna Lughna, will take you on a symbolic journey of self-awareness, shadow work, and self-empowerment.

What You'll Gain:

  • Increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence

  • Tools to identify and release limiting beliefs

  • Prompts for working through your shadows

  • A deeper understanding of your personal growth cycles

  • Invitations to embrace your authentic self

Using Butterfly symbolism, you will:

  1. Explore your inner world and uncover hidden potential (Caterpillar Phase)

  2. Transform challenges into opportunities for growth (Chrysalis Phase)

  3. Step into your power and embrace your authenticity (Butterfly Phase)

  4. Celebrate your growth and set intentions for continued expansion (Integration)

Progressive image of a caterpillar weaving its chrysalis and then emerging as a butterfly. You have the ability to emerge from whatever shadows you are experiencing, unfold your wings, and soar! Becoming the Butterfly can help you emerge!

Is there anything more beautiful than a butterfly in flight, delicate glittering wings still strong enough to lift her whole body through the sky?

She has undergone alchemy, changing her form and freeing herself to express her desires fully.

However, every butterfly was once a caterpillar.

Have you ever felt like a vulnerable caterpillar munching some leaves, fearfully aware that at any unfortunate moment, a giant bird or parasitic wasp might end your whole existence?

That’s what living in this human world feels like sometimes.

But, you don’t want just to survive.

You want to THRIVE.

You want to be fully aware of your own cycles in life that lead to your reinvention and rebirth after each new level up.

You want to claim the power of transmutation and transformation in your life, allowing you to alchemize the challenges you’ve been through into powerful lessons, self-supportive beliefs, and boundaries that help you live your life in an empowered way.

Are you ready to renegotiate the way you see your past, get powerfully real in the present, and set some intentions for your future dreams?

Immerse yourself in the energy of Butterfly Medicine.

Immerse yourself in the energy of Butterfly Medicine.

Each theme, journal prompt, meditation, & activation will bring you opportunities to transmute and transform your relationships with
Self-Empowerment, Self-Worth, and Self-Led Joy.

Honoring Our Phases

Each of the four modules focuses on a different phase of the butterfly journey, from caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly, with a final module to fully integrate everything you have experienced.

Each phase will be explored in a module. Allow yourself enough time to really honor the work you are doing and allow it to build through your intention over the course of the immersion.

Ready to honor your phases and take flight?

  • Image of a caterpillar walking along a stem. The Module of Becoming the Butterfly is all about exploring our inner world and gifts.

    Module 1: The Caterpillar Stage

    Opening Ritual & Caterpillar Journey

    In the opening ritual, we focus on exploring the inner world and discovering our unique gifts and talents. We will identify our values, passions, and strengths, welcoming the wisdom of our Inner Child.

  • Image of a brown chrysalis hanging from a branch. In module 2 of Becoming the Butterfly, we explore the Chrysalis phase. This includes focus on transformative energies, our shadows, and turning setbacks into opportunities for growth.

    Module 2: The Chrysalis Stage

    Chrysalis Journey & Activation

    In this module, we will focus on the transformative process of change and growth. We will embrace the energies of change and uncertainty, transforming challenges and setbacks into opportunities for growth and learning.

  • An image of a white butterfly flying in a watercolor background. The third module of Becoming the Butterfly is about breaking free from the limitations of the past and letting your own inner magic shine and allow you to soar!

    Module 3: The Butterfly Stage

    Breaking Free Ritual and Butterfly Journey

    During this module, we will focus on self-expansion and expression. You will tune into your needs, desires, and boundaries from within yourself, allowing you to step into your power and shine your light in the world!

  • An image of five butterflies in a circle. The final module of Becoming the Butterfly looks back at the transformation that has taken place and remembering that we go through a transformational process, or chrysalis, multiple times in our life.

    Module 4: Cycles, Spirals, & Expansion

    Cycles, Spirals, & Expansion Journey

    In our final module, we will focus on integrating the lessons and insights from the previous three journeys. We celebrate our growth and transformation as we look towards a future with this medicine wisdom installed!

Hi! I’m Safrianna Lughna, LCPC, MS
aka the Queer-Spirit Guide.

I have communed with Butterfly medicine throughout my life, from the time I was a small child playing in the yard beneath my favorite maple tree, to having an awakening in a float tank where I heard the voice of a butterfly guide tell me I was emerging after a long dark night of the soul.

This wonderful animal guide reminds us that healing is ongoing work. That’s why we must take care of ourselves and put our energy first!

Over the course of my work as a trauma therapist and holistic wellness guide, I’ve come to understand that there will always be obstacles here for our embodied forms that will get in the way of us experiencing lasting “happiness.” However, I’ve also found it’s possible to experience lasting love and joy when we know how to play with our shadows.

Remember, your job isn’t to heal everything right now. It’s to unfold, one layer at a time.

So… Will you join me for this Immersion Experience?

Photo of Safrianna, MS, the Queer Spirit Guide, wearing a flower crown while a butterfly rests on her sweater. Let Safrianna guide you through your transformational process using butterfly medicine!

When we’ve experienced fear, disappointment, and shame throughout our lives, it can be hard to fully live. We can become preoccupied with our own patterns, our own limiting beliefs, or trapped in a mirage of past circumstances. 

Unfortunately, this is a pattern most of us will experience at some point in our lives. Many of us grew up as kids consuming a lot of pain and trauma. Even in adulthood, we may continue to see ourselves as a “victim of our circumstances,” feeling disempowered to do anything but continue living “the way things have always been.”

I believe in EMPOWERMENT, AUTHENTICITY, JOY, AND ALIGNMENT. These energies are woven throughout this butterfly immersion experience!

Choose Your Experience

  • Image of a butterfly in front of a cloudy sky with a full moon visible in the background. Text reads "Butterfly Immersion Experience".

    Butterfly Immersion Experience

    For $57 you receive:

    🦋 4 Video Modules with channeled energy activations to awaken and attune to yourself to each butterfly phase

    🦋 4 Powerful Meditations to use for energetic alignment and being in your power

    🦋 20 Deep Dive Journal Prompts, 5 for each Module inviting you to delve into profound reflection.

  • Image of a butterfly in front of a red nebula background with a moon cycle image in the background. Text reads "VIP Butterfly Immersion Experience".

    Crystalized Clarity Package

    For $297 you receive:

    🦋 Everything in the Butterfly Immersion experience

    🦋 (1) A 50 minute 1 on 1 guidance session with Safrianna (Valued at $250)

    🦋 An intuitive reading with 3 cards & message channeled just for you just for you with guidance on extra supports or focus for you during this immersion (Valued at $100)

  • Butterfly Immersion + Metamorphosis Mentorship

    For $997 you receive:

    🦋 Everything in the Butterfly Immersion experience

    🦋 (4) 50 minute 1 on 1 guidance sessions with Safrianna (Valued at $1000)

    🦋 An intuitive reading with 3 cards & message channeled just for you just for you with guidance on extra supports or focus for you during this immersion (Valued at $100)

    🦋 A month of “pocket guidance” — ongoing voice/text support (Valued at $495)

Butterfly Immersion Experience FAQ

  •  During the activation videos, I will guide you to 1) Set Intentions, 2) Clear away old energy, 3) Enjoy a channeled meditation / visualization journey, and 4) reflect on your experience.

    Each week you have additional journal prompts and pre-recorded meditations to help you immerse yourself in this medicine wisdom.

    After completing this immersion, you can expect to be more:

    • Intentionally in relationship with your life cycles

    • In tune with your Inner Child & Creativity

    • Compassionate towards your Shadow side

    • Self-aware and in love with your dreams

    • Empowered to step into your authenticity through alignment

    You may have

    Increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence

    • Tools to identify and release limiting beliefs that may be holding you back

    • Techniques for working through your shadows and embracing all aspects of yourself

    • A deeper understanding of your personal growth cycles and patterns

    • Enhanced ability to connect with and express your authentic self

    • Improved overall wellbeing and joy in daily life

    • Guidance on transforming challenges into opportunities for growth

    • Empowerment to step into your personal power

    • Skills for breaking free from unhelpful patterns and behaviors

    • A framework for ongoing personal development and transformation

    • Meditations and activations for energetic alignment

    • Profound self-reflection through journaling prompts

    • Potential for healing and post-traumatic growth

    • A flexible approach that can be applied to various life areas (relationships, career, personal growth, etc.)

    • The ability to revisit and reuse the program for different issues over time

    • For higher tier packages: Personalized guidance and support from Safrianna through 1-on-1 sessions and intuitive readings

  • The core program is designed to be completed over 4 weeks, but you can work through it at your own pace. I suggest one week for modules 1, 2, and 3, and then about two weeks for module 4.

  • No prior experience is necessary. This program is suitable for beginners and those experienced in personal growth work.

  • The Butterfly Immersion Experience combines psychological insights with holistic wellness practices and energy work, offering a unique approach to personal transformation through the symbolism of the butterfly's lifecycle.