The High Priestess: Intuition & the Subconscious Mind

In 2019, I embraced my "high priestess" archetype when I took vows to walk the path of Goddess and Saint Brigid. While I no longer consider myself a Priestess in a Pagan sense, rather in an archetypal sense, the journey of Priesthood was important for me in my self-development. It ultimately helped me release my past!

Brigid first appeared to me during a visioning ritual in Massachusetts years prior. I found myself deeply called to return to her healing, gentle energy alongside her warrior energy. I was leaving an era of trauma and patriarchal abuse behind me, cast out of the container of a toxic spiritual community. Initially, I felt utterly alone. Then, I recognized I had myself and the power of my dedication.

I had no idea what initiating as a Priestess would bring me. I only knew my soul was being summoned to it and exactly where it needed to happen. Just months prior, one of my best friends passed on. I built a sacred bonfire on her land, feeling not only her divine support, but also saw the presence of my late daughter.

While this blog isn’t all about that ceremony, I wanted to share that ultimately, this Priestess initiation taught me many of the qualities of this tarot archetype: balance between my lunar and solar (femme/masc) energies, opening my intuition at last, trusting my inner wisdom, following my gut, and exploring the spiritual practice and self-work just for myself. Working with this archetype in myself helped me uncover many of the subconscious beliefs I held due to societal programing and trauma. Once I knew these beliefs were there, I was able to address my healing more directly.

Where does this archetype show up in your life?

How can you connect with it more?

Let’s dive into the symbolism of this card in tarot!

Symbolism and Interpretations

The High Priestess is one of the most enigmatic tarot cards, shrouded in mystery and symbolism. She is the second Major Arcana card in the traditional Tarot deck just after the Magician. The High Priestess is often depicted as a woman sitting on a throne, holding a scroll or a book in her lap, with a veil behind her. The pillars on either side of her represent the duality of the universe – light and dark, masculine and feminine, yin and yang. The veil behind her suggests that there are secrets yet to be revealed and that some things are meant to remain hidden.

In a reading, the High Priestess can represent a person in our lives who embodies these qualities, or it can signify that we need to tap into our own intuition and inner wisdom. The High Priestess urges us to look beyond the surface and to trust our gut instincts when making decisions. She reminds us that sometimes the answers we seek are not readily apparent, and we must delve deeper to find them.

The veil behind the High Priestess is symbolic of the hidden knowledge and mysteries that can only be revealed through spiritual practice and inner work. The scroll or book she holds in her lap represents the knowledge that is available to us if we are willing to seek it out. The High Priestess also represents the balance between the conscious and unconscious mind, and the need to integrate these two aspects of ourselves to achieve harmony and enlightenment.

Associated with the astrological sign of Pisces and the Moon, the High Priestess represents the subconscious mind, dreams, and the hidden aspects of ourselves. She reminds us that we must embrace these parts of ourselves if we are to fully understand who we are and what we are meant to do in this world.

The High Priestess card is a reminder that the answers we seek are often within us – we just need to know where to look. Trust yourself, listen to your intuition, and be open to the mysteries of the universe.

Affirmation: "My intuition is powerful and guides me to success."

Key Words: Intuition, Hidden Knowledge, and the Subconscious Mind

Reflection Questions:

  • What is your relationship with intuition? Do you trust your gut feelings, or do you tend to ignore them?

  • What secrets are you keeping from yourself or others? Are there things you need to confront or acknowledge?

  • How can you deepen your connection to your subconscious mind? Are there practices like meditation or dream journaling that could help you access this part of yourself?

  • What hidden knowledge or wisdom do you need to tap into right now? What resources or support might you need to access it?

Here in the Living LUNA community, our theme for April is “Sowing the Seeds of Curiosity!” Throughout the month of April, we'll explore the journey of the Fool alongside the symbolism of the Major Arcana cards from Tarot. Each archetype offers opportunities for self-reflection! Follow along or participate in our community by joining our Discord server at:

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The Empress: Nurturing Growth


The Magician: The Power of Manifestation and Transformation