It's Time to Step into
Soul-Level Success

No more burn out. No more being stuck in self-sabotage. You're here to live the SWEET LIFE of your design!


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You’re “successful” by societal standards with the career, the home life, and the credentials

But, you’re struggling with those sneaky ways that people pleasing, codependency, or shutting down your own desires show up in your life—

You’ve felt ashamed or afraid of stepping into your full authentic Self because of societal judgments—

Feeling inauthentic, surface level, maybe even disconnected from the full potential of the life you KNOW is yours to live.

The truth is, you keep telling yourself “NO!”

You may be hiding in one or more closets: spiritual or intuitive, LGBTQIA+, highly sensitive, following an “alternative” life path, or a deep down Self-declared “weirdo,” and you’re TIRED of suppressing who you really are.

You keep handing your voice over to someone else. You’re not living life by your design, but instead by societal structures built long before you were even alive.

But I can show you a life you’ve only dreamed of.

I’m here to support people ready to remove the mask and fully embrace & embody who they were born to be.

If you're an entrepreneur, visionary leader, creative, or healer who feels stuck, sick, unsupported, and maybe even a little self-loathing, it's time for change.

You are ready to be seen, heard and undeniably powerful while creating a life based on your own preferences, boundaries, and dreams.

It's time to move beyond societal standards and limitations so that you can make iconic impact in the world while being fully yourself. You're here to SHINE!

It’s time to be seen, heard, and undeniably powerful while simultaneously having more time for yourself, what lights you up, your joy, and your pleasure!

If you are ready to taste your own SOUL SUGAR and live a sweetly empowered life of your own design, you’re invited to join me for this profoundly impactful 3 to 6 month guided deep dive into exploring your mind, body, heart, & soul.

Safrianna Lughna, MS.
The Queer-Spirit Guide.

From Trauma Therapist and Public Educator to Transformational Guide and Visionary Leader.

Hi, I’m Safrianna, and
I’d love to be your guide.

I call myself the “Queer-Spirit Guide” because I believe all of us are on a journey of finding our unique, one-of-a-kind voice and expression in the world.

We’re all a little bit different.

I believe that deserves to be celebrated.

I have mastered many tools, systems, and even career fields in the quest to bring this form of my service to the world. I have experience as a public school teacher, trauma & sex therapist, LGBTQIA+ advocate and educator, Reiki Master Teacher, and worn so many other hats. It took wearing dozens of hats over dozens of years to discover the most important truth of all.

The most important thing for me to be is… ME. The most important thing for you to be is… YOU.

I’m here to help you uncover the truth of your Self so you can be authentically you in everything you do and be in the world.

Let’s liberate you to live freely, fully, and with all the Self-love you never thought you could have.

Image of a stylized Wheel of the Year behind a leafess tree. The wheel itself flows through a rainbow of colors.  Just like the tree, you yourself have SEASONS. Let Safrianna guide you on how they impact your life!


This 3-month program applies my Signature S.E.A.S.O.N.S Framework, where together we will focus on the following…

STORIES - Together we’ll assess what disempowered stories or limiting beliefs are playing out in your life right now keeping you from actually enjoying what is yours to take pleasure in! We will write a new narrative that lights you up and gives you the courage to move towards your goals with far greater ease.

ENERGY - We’ll assess your energy leaks and anything that is currently causing a drain on you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When we identify these leaks we’ll work together to establish stronger boundaries and life practices that support your own vibrant energy. We will explore your energy blueprints in our Blueprint Breakthrough session, as well.

ALIGNED ACTIONS - This is where I become your ultimate accountability buddy identifying what routine aligned actions you can take daily, weekly, monthly, and after our work together to successfully fulfill your current goals and enjoy the journey, too.

SEASON OF LIFE - Here we get a little bit more esoteric… We’ll look at how this present season is impacting you (weather, daylight time, allergies, difficult memories tied to the season itself, and so on) and we will unpack how it affects your rhythm & energy levels.

When you aren’t honoring your natural flow you’ll feel out of alignment which leads to frustration, exhaustion, and burnout—far from bliss! Through our work together, you’ll learn powerful techniques and establish healthy patterns that support you! You’ll honor your own personal season of life in a way that feels SO GOOD regardless of what is happening around you so you can stay in the zone of your own juicy genius!

OWNERSHIP - I will provide a safe space for you to open up and take ownership of your full Self. Trust me when I say I hold absolutely no judgment and fully appreciate when my clients come to the table with the ability to recognize where they are getting in their own way and just need some help. I love to help those who aren’t afraid to see their shadows! When we work with your Shadows, we will explore where you may be self-sabotaging or may need more support so that you can break Self-limiting cycles once and for all. You deserve to experience ecstasy!

NEEDS - If your needs aren’t being met within yourself, you won’t be able to live the life you actually want to live. We will identify the larger needs in your life such as what is needed for personal, relational, or career satisfaction so that you can live a life aligned with your values & desires. I will support you in learning how to communicate your needs and values in a nonviolent and empowered way, and I’ll absolutely be your cheerleader in every moment of self-doubt.

SELF-CARE - We will get radically honest about all of the ways in which you are not taking care of yourself so that you can get out of your own way and start loving yourself!

When we pour into our own energy first we are able to achieve our mission and purpose in life because we actually have the energy to do it and the drive to keep going. We are a delight when we are actually nourishing ourselves from the inside out!

This offer is highly customizable, but the base package includes:

✶A personalized ReAwakening Ritual Session to set our course

Eight (8) 1-Hour Guidance/Intuitive Healing Sessions

On-going Pocket Guidance for 3 Months - Aka, your own pocket Safrianna throughout our work together. Reach out for a taste of advice, a quick card pull, or a discussion

A Blueprint Breakthrough Session

Abundant extras like access to my signature self-care course, books, complimentary ritual tickets, and ongoing group experiences

✶Options to upgrade with treats like reserved retreat beds, extra care packages, an in person event. I am here to CO-CREATE with you the most luxurious experiences possible so we can make these 3 months some of the sweetest you’ve ever experienced!

And the best part…?

You’ll be enjoying it all while deeply aware, living presently in the moment, and feeling highly reSourced.

Transformational Guidance Package:

A 1-on-1 Offering Supporting Your Aligned
Self-Leadership, Post-Traumatic Growth, and Soul-Level Success

My clients tend to be high-achieving, mission-driven, and heart-lead entrepreneurs and business leaders. I’ve worked with impactful CEOs and other leaders; Therapists, Healers, & Body Workers; Artists, Creatives, & Spiritual Entrepreneurs. I work with all gender identities, sexual orientations, faiths, cultural backgrounds, and belief systems.

My clients have already done some self-work in therapy or are currently doing some other form of self-development work. They are successful because they:

Show up for themselves again and again

Acknowledge both the Light & Shadow aspects of life

⭒Crave genuine self-reflection & getting out of their own way

⭒Are committed to taking steps based on what we go over in session & applying it to their daily lives and habits

Done blaming or feeling blamed for their circumstances & strongly desire to live a more centered life

⭒Ready to choose, make, and see some radical changes in their circumstances

This program is by application only so we can be sure we are a good energetic fit and that our energies align. I only take on about 6 people in this program at a time to ensure everyone truly be met fully by me. I go deep WITH you.

By booking a Discovery Call, you have already acknowledged you are READY to do this work and invest in yourself, but you want to be sure I am the right transformational coach / guide / post-traumatic growth professional for you.

The application process ensures we are on the same page from the beginning and can arrange something that feels energetically clear and very exciting for both of us.

If you're ready to dive into this deeply soul-satisfying journey, the investment starts at $4,500 for 3 months, with the option to scale up to 6 months if you want or need more time.

Fill out your application & book your discovery call here.

I’m here to co-create joy, pleasure, and abundance for EVERYONE. That includes YOU!

If SOUL SUGAR is speaking to you but you’re still not sure, slide into my inbox with any follow-up questions before you apply. Let's stir the pot, and see if we're the right mix. You can email me at

I am here to help you claim the ultimate sweetness your soul is craving!

Looking forward to getting to know the REAL you,

Image of Safrianna's Signature and tagline as "The Queer-Spirit Guide and Transformational Coach".
Photo of Safrianna, MS, the Queer Spirit Guide, trauma informed therapist turned transformational thought leader. Let Safrianna be your guide as you find the sweet life you know you deserve!