My Sabbatical Month Shared in Photos

Today’s blog is a photo journal of experiences throughout my sabbatical! I’ll share a photo and a little context for each underneath as I reflect back on the beautiful moments.

It was interesting looking through my photo gallery because I actually took very few pictures over the course of the month. I take this as a good sign. I was so blessedly “unhooked” from the need to show up on socials and be on tech that I had many blissful days of hardly touching my phone. What joy!

(A note on formatting: I apologize for the photos’ quality here on the blog! I wanted to post as many as I could and not have large file sizes, but SquareSpace also doesn’t happen to have a great system for showcasing individual photos, especially not when you’re trying to upload nearly 30 of them! ;) Also, you can “zoom out” on your browser to see the pictures better by holding down the control key and scrolling your mouse wheel.)

Overall, this month was filled with joy, beauty, rest, play, delicious foods, and lots of nature. I’ve still got all the lessons to share, but like I said yesterday, I want to CELEBRATE all the loveliness and sense of awe first. My Inner Child really came to life at a whole new depth during my sabbatical, and for that I will be forever grateful!

What were some of your most beautiful June moments?

What filled you with awe, wonder, and joy?

How can you connect with nature (animals, plants, the outdoors, sun, moon, etc) in the months ahead?

With All My Love & In Celebration,

This month, I hope to participate in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and share wisdom gleaned from my sabbatical, butterfly medicine, and more. Feel free to follow along if you want to learn more about my story! #UltimateBlogChallenge


Dancing with the Moon: How I Found My Love of Hosting Lunar Rituals


The Art of Rest: Embracing Simple Pleasures During My June Sabbatical