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Self Care, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Self Care, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Is Sedona the Key to Awakening Your Next Level?

Today, I’m immersing myself in Sedona’s powerful energy all the way from Maryland as I work on my upcoming book, "Balancing the Cosmic Divine." Beside me on my Summer Altar, I have crystals—golden tektite, agni manitite, "Lemurian" quartz, and lepidolite—all found or gifted in Sedona. These were cleansed during my sacred journey to the birthing cave.

As I write, I connect with these energies and draw cards to commune with my guide, Brother Michael. He affirms that both this book and my upcoming Sedona retreat are a huge SOUL YES, offering transformation for me and others. I envision myself in Sedona, with the book published, dancing under the stars with my spiritual siblings, sipping custom hot cocoas.

Sedona’s energy feels both lunar and solar, balancing the cosmic divine within us. Her magic is palpable, from the red rocks to the breathtaking sunrises. I feel her healing energy and know I’ll be there again soon.

If your soul resonates with this magic, join us for our next retreat. We’re weaving our dreams into reality. Who will dance with us in Sedona’s sacred vortex?

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Personal, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Personal, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

My Sabbatical Month Shared in Photos

Today’s blog is a photo journal of experiences throughout my sabbatical! I’ll share a photo and a little context for each underneath as I reflect back on the beautiful moments.

It was interesting looking through my photo gallery because I actually took very few pictures over the course of the month. I take this as a good sign. I was so blessedly “unhooked” from the need to show up on socials and be on tech that I had many blissful days of hardly touching my phone. What joy!

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Meditation, Personal, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Meditation, Personal, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The Season of Sun is HERE!

This past weekend, I ventured into the woods to escape my everyday life and make space to wander and dream. Sitting by a struggling stream, my mind buzzed with thoughts, but nature's beauty helped me anchor into my breath. A butterfly landed beside me, and I felt a profound connection to everything around me and recognized how I had disconnected from myself.

Recently, I celebrated my solar return, my birthday, and declared this the year of ME. I've seen my light dimmed by fear—fear of judgment, rejection, and misunderstanding. Yet, as I connected with Spirit and witnessed the butterfly and the flowing stream, I saw where I was stuck and decided to shift.

Physically removing fallen branches blocking the stream, I realized I could also remove blocks in my life. This act of clearing brought a profound sense of release and presence. Sitting back, I soaked in the sun, feeling affirmed in my path as the Queer-Spirit Guide.

As the days grow longer and summer embraces us, how are you enjoying the light? The Summer Solstice is near, bringing potent energy ready to be harnessed. Join me in embracing this powerful time for self-discovery and renewal.

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Meditation, Self Care, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Meditation, Self Care, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Summer Solstice is Upon Us!

The Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer or Litha, marks the peak of the solar year and is celebrated worldwide. This holiday represents the longest day of the year and the sun's potent power. It's a time of abundance, heightened spiritual energy, and the turning point where daylight begins to wane. Celebrations vary across cultures, with some of the most famous traditions occurring at Stonehenge and in Sweden, where people dance, decorate with flowers, and enjoy traditional foods. Bonfires play a central role in many celebrations, symbolizing purification and renewal.

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Meditation, Mental Health, Poetry, Self Care, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Meditation, Mental Health, Poetry, Self Care, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Mental Health Anthems

Creatives often use artistic mediums to express the chaos in their minds, and music is a powerful tool in this regard. What music has been resonating with you lately? Here are some songs that hit me in the feels.


This song speaks to the internal battles we face. As a therapist, I know the interventions and psychological concepts, but it doesn’t make my own struggles easier. This track reflects the walls I build against myself and my difficulty asking for help.

"Humans" by Anyma:

This song serves as an affirmation, helping me navigate the feelings stirred by Ruel's song. It emphasizes the power of humans and the complexity of our existence, highlighting the importance of guiding our inner demons to find freedom.

"Changes" by Joy Oladokun:

Joy's song captures the anxiety of living in a chaotic world. With intimate instrumentation, it resonates as an anthem for embracing change and finding gold in the river of life. Amidst global turmoil, it's a reminder that showing up for yourself is crucial.

These songs deeply connect with mental health experiences. What mental health anthems resonate with you? Share your tracks with us and contribute to our playlist!

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The World: A Symbol of Completion and New Beginnings

This month, I delved into the symbolism of the World card, experiencing profound insights into completion and new beginnings. Through daily study and reflection, I deepened my understanding of the power of symbolism in guiding compassionate self-reflection.

In my role as an Intuitive Healer and Divine Channel, I embrace the richness of symbolism to enhance our understanding of life's journey. Despite challenges, including financial struggles and inner healing, I've embraced transformation. I've stepped away from old patterns of codependency, making space for authentic growth and new opportunities.

This year marks a significant transition from my career as a trauma therapist to embodying my role as a Queer-Spirit Guide and activist. It's been a journey of self-discovery, defining what this new chapter means to me and how I can authentically share my message with the world.

As I face the future with optimism and trust in the Universe, I celebrate both completion and new beginnings. What feels complete in your life right now? What new adventures are on the horizon?

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Judgment: A Symbol of Transformation and Personal Responsibility

The Judgment tarot card embodies profound themes of spiritual awakening, rebirth, and personal responsibility. It depicts a scene of resurrection, with an angel blowing a trumpet as people rise from their graves to be judged. This imagery symbolizes a moment of reckoning, calling individuals to evaluate their past actions and make positive changes. The card serves as a powerful reminder of accountability, urging us to take responsibility for our choices and their consequences. Additionally, the Judgment card signifies a period of intense personal growth and transformation, where old patterns and beliefs are shed in favor of new insights and understandings. Though challenging, this process leads to greater clarity and self-awareness. Ultimately, the Judgment tarot card invites us to embrace change, reflect on our past actions, and move towards a more authentic and purposeful life. Through self-evaluation and embracing transformation, we find liberation in honesty and truth, paving the way for renewal and self-discovery.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The Sun: A Symbol of Enlightenment and Joy

The Sun card in Tarot radiates with positivity, symbolizing enlightenment, vitality, and joy. Associated with the zodiac sign Leo, it signifies success, happiness, and achievement. This card encourages expressing one's true self and letting their light shine brightly. It embodies the realization of innermost desires and goals, fostering growth and expansion. Moreover, the Sun card represents spiritual awakening and understanding the interconnectedness of all things. It invites individuals to stay grounded, seek personal growth, and discover their divinity within and in others. Embracing the Sun's energy entails celebrating simple pleasures, finding gratitude in every moment, and spreading positivity to others. As you reflect on areas of success and joy in your life, consider how to cultivate more of these feelings daily. Identify obstacles hindering your goals and devise strategies to overcome them. Connect deeply with your inner light and radiance through practices aligning with your true self. Finally, embrace actions that promote kindness and compassion, creating a ripple effect of positivity in your community.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The Moon in Tarot: Depths of the Psyche

The Moon tarot card is a powerful symbol of the unconscious mind and the shadow self. It invites us to confront our fears and anxieties, to explore the depths of our psyche, and to cultivate our intuition. Usually depicting a full moon over water and mountains, with dogs howling and a crayfish emerging, it symbolizes the dualities of the psyche—conscious and unconscious, light and dark. Associated with Pisces and ruled by Neptune, it reflects intuition and spiritual nature. Despite its mystery, the Moon holds potential for growth and transformation. Embrace the journey and trust in your inner voice amidst uncertainty.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The Tower Tarot Card: Embracing Transformation and Growth

The Tower tarot card, depicting a crumbling tower struck by lightning, symbolizes sudden upheaval, chaos and the destruction of old patterns. Though confronting at first, it ultimately represents a transformative process - a wake-up call to demolish beliefs and structures that no longer serve us in order to create space for growth, rebirth and rebuilding a new reality aligned with our highest good.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Understanding the Devil

The Devil tarot card represents our primal urges, desires, and the darker shadow aspects of human nature. Though often misunderstood as evil, it encourages self-examination of areas where we feel enslaved by temptation, addiction or unhealthy patterns. The chained figures depict bondage to our impulses, challenging us to liberate ourselves by embracing our sovereign power over the seductions of materialism and excess.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Temperance: Balance & Harmony

The Temperance tarot card symbolizes balance, moderation, and harmony. It depicts an angelic figure pouring water between two cups, representing finding the middle ground and avoiding excess. Temperance encourages us to seek equilibrium in our thoughts, emotions, and actions by practicing self-control and patience. By cultivating a harmonious flow between opposing forces, we can lead a more fulfilling life.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The Hanged Man: A Moment of Surrender

The Hanged Man tarot card represents surrender, sacrifice, and letting go. Despite its unsettling imagery of a figure hanging upside down, it symbolizes voluntarily surrendering control to gain a new perspective. The number 12 suggests the end of a cycle and impending transformation. By embracing the unknown and trusting the journey, we can find peace, clarity and move forward with purpose.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Justice: Balance & Fairness

The Justice tarot card symbolizes balance, integrity, fairness, and truth. It represents the idea that actions have consequences and that justice cannot be achieved without balance and impartiality. The scales depict weighing evidence objectively, the sword symbolizes the power of truth and cutting away falsehoods, and the blindfolded woman represents justice being blind and inclusive, without egoic judgment.

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