The Season of Sun is HERE!

This weekend, I went away into the woods to step away from my “everyday” life, making space to wander and dream.

I sat by the trickling stream, not quite dried up, yet struggling to flow because of the heat, the lack of rain, and fallen branches from recent storms blocking the waterway.

Campfire in the summer

My mind was buzzing and I found it hard to focus at first, so I anchored into my breath and looked around at the beauty of nature.

A butterfly fluttered onto the sand beside me.

I wept.

I could feel simultaneously my connection to ALL, and the ways I’d let go of myself.

This past week was my own "solar return," aka my birthday. I declared this the year of ME.

I've witnessed the dimming of my light over the course of my life. The ways I’d blocked that light from shining out of FEAR. Fear of people hating me. Fear of people judging me. Fear of being abandoned, rejected, or misunderstood.

But, this weekend, I felt Spirit moving all around me. Witnessed it in the flapping of butterfly wings. In the ripples on the water’s surface every time a fish surged to the surface to snag a bug. I felt the unwavering connection with my higher self, there anytime I chose to tune in.

As if laid out before me on the rocks, I saw the places I was stuck in life. The places I get in my own way. Rather than wallowing, I worked it out through movement. I took it upon myself to get up and shift some of the larger branches blocking the water’s flow. 

As I moved each fallen branch, a profound recognition arose around how I perpetuate the hum-drum going through the motion feelings of the “every day.” 

I saw the ways I was tied into the modern matrix of Patriarchal society, overdoing, striving, and having to find the answers RIGHT NOW.

In being so enmeshed with this continued pattern, I realized I could not be present with myself right now.

So, I stepped out of that pattern. Collapsed timelines. Decided for myself to be in a different relationship with me, my time, my energy, my being, my “productivity.”

I removed the blocks tangibly with my own two hands, bare feet gripping the rocks I found purchase on to reach each piece of debris. When the stream loosened up and created new pathways, I felt my soul easing back into my body, not quite so afraid to be in this human vessel anymore.

I wandered back to my seat.

Sitting on top of a moss-covered boulder wearing nothing but my underclothes, I dropped into my breath, drinking in the sounds of nature all around me. The sun bathed me in bright beams, illuminating me in full, inside and out.

As I came into stillness, I connected with myself on every level. 

I basked in the light. With each moment I allowed myself to soak up the sun, I felt more affirmed than ever in being on the right path for myself and those I serve. Stepping into my role as the Queer-Spirit Guide, mentor of all things authenticity and alignment, natural rhythms, and cosmic callings.

I’m on a mission to uplevel not just my relationship with the cosmic energies, but to bring this to others, as well. I believe in disconnecting from the false templates many of us still hold onto with regard to what “masculine” and “feminine” energy look like, and how they must function in the world.

I’m done with this one size fits all approach!

Person meditating in nature during the summer solstice

Here on the East Coast of the US, the sun is HOT. Kids are out of school for the Summer. The days are long and steeped with creative possibilities.

The LIGHT is here!!!

How are YOU enjoying the light?

It’s no coincidence that the Solar Portal stepped up as the pathwalking experience for this month, and that the Summer Solstice is right around the corner. The energy is here. It’s potent. And it’s ready to be worked with!

Get the life you dreamed about with 1:1 support in our signature program, Soul Sugar.


Productivity Culture Nearly Broke Me, So I Took a Sabbatical


Summer Solstice is Upon Us!