Is Sedona the Key to Awakening Your Next Level?

I am playing in Sedona energy today here from Maryland as I work on writing my upcoming book, working title: Balancing the Cosmic Divine.

Beside me on my Summer Altar, I've got my crystals, a golden tektite, agni manitite, "Lemurian" quartz, and lepidolite each gifted or found in Sedona. I bathed the quartz and lepidolite during my sacred journey to the birthing cave.

As I sat down to write, I connected in with these energies and drew a few cards to commune with my guide, Brother Michael. He reminded me that both this book and my upcoming Sedona retreat are a huge SOUL YES, and that both present and opportunity for transformation in my life, and the lives of others.

Sedona crystals and summer altar setup in Maryland for writing "Balancing the Cosmic Divine"

As I breathe, I'm imagining myself already there in Sedona with this book published, dancing under the stars and the new moon with my spiritual siblings while we sip our custom hot cocoas.

Sedona's sacred energy feels highly Lunar to me the flowy sort of timelessness. The ebb and flow is variable. It transports you in a way that is indescribable unless you've been there and allowed yourself to feel it in your own way.

Yet, her energy is also in great balance with the sun. From the deep umber red rocks to the dazzling sunrises and sunsets, her land is bathed in light and magic every moment.

She calls us to balance. Her magic is literally balancing the Cosmic Divine within us.

I feel her healing flowing and know that I've already set myself up to be there again, standing on her earth with my bare feet.

The magic is real and it's possible right here and now. Being in the gratitude of knowing what is to come keeps me dancing. Will it invite you to dance, too?

I'm calling you in, friends. Who is going to dance with me in the energy of our dreams?!

Who will share meals with Mary Gooden and I?

What are you excited to create while you're in the magic of her vortex?

We're weaving the future right now with our dreams.

We're co-creating magic from the mundane.

If your soul is screaming "YES!", sign up to be notified of our next retreat

As I go back to writing some more... Here is my altar for today. 💖🙏

Be in peace, loves.


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