Reflections on the New Moon in Cancer Ceremony—Returning from Sabbatical with Joy and Gratitude
Hello beautiful souls!
It is so good to be back in this space with you all post sabbatical and to be focused on blogging for this month to really share what’s on my heart.
Last night I hosted the New Moon in Cancer ceremony, livestreamed on the Living LUNAs YouTube channel and my Facebook page. These moon ceremonies have been so instrumental to me in my personal growth and business expansion, as well as my continues spiritual unfolding, that I hosted these circles even during my sabbatical.
I'm feeling really energized and also deeply grateful.
Yesterday was a potent emotional day. I woke up feeling the feels and the emotions have been flowing freely since. I’ve cried with heart break, wept with laughter, and been moved by music and words to overflowing.
Whatever you’re feeling, please be so compassionate with yourself!
The Energies of this New Moon in Cancer
We're moving into the period of the Buck Moon, and Summer is in full swing with vibrant energy and lots of light. There's all this potential brimming—I see it in my own garden right now, which has a new harvest every day.
With this being a Cancer new moon, we’re being invited to question our home lives, our connection with our familial ties, and how we're relating to our environment. It’s a great time to evaluate what we need and want in our living situations and family or household relationships to make things better or more suited to our preferences.
The Buck full moon ahead in Capricorn is really forward-thinking.
Here are some questions to reflect on at this time:
How do we take this energy we're learning about what's no longer working and move towards more simplicity, anchoring into the now, slowing down, and reducing clutter?
How do we move from being overwhelmed or chaotic towards ease, flow, and peace?
There is so much heaviness, division, pain, and suffering in the world right now. It can be very hard to anchor into our dreams, ease, and peace. It’s also exceptionally hard to feel these heavy feelings sometimes. So, again, please be gentle with yourself.
But also remember—we all have this power within us to keep moving in the highest direction of our soul, to nourish our bodies as well as we can, and to find peace, ease and pleasure in whatever the circumstances. We get to design the life that is right for us, no matter what else is happening out in the world. It starts within, in our little choices, and little acts of rebellion against societal norms.
Allow yourself to be who you are!
Messages from Crab Medicine
In the guided visualization portion of the ceremony, crab medicine came through with messages about:
Bringing yourself home and protecting yourself
Anchoring into your body and emotions
Not allowing yourself to get overwhelmed or take in too much
Appreciating the simplicity, pleasure and joy in the present moment
The most important thing is sometimes to just be with what is. To look around, take in the here and now, and know you are safe. Tune into the simplicity and richness of the moment.
If you’re genuinely not safe, it might be time to see how you can change those circumstances. I do have a free resource on boundaries if you find yourself in a challenging situation.
Collectively, we're coming home to our truth during a time of separation and pain. We're coming home to the fact that we can all be abundant, feel what we need to feel, and heal what we need to heal. That is possible for all of us.
Watch the Replay and Join the Next Moon Call
If you missed the live New Moon in Cancer ceremony, you can watch the replay on my Facebook page or YouTube. It includes an energy clearing, meditation, and intuitive card pull for the collective. I hope you enjoy!
If you feel called and able to donate and keep these going, you can visit to support me and my mission!
I'll be back to support you when we move into celebrating the Full Buck Moon in Capricorn ahead.
Remember, you can feel the energy of your Higher Self anytime you tune in.
You can experience tremendous things within yourself!
I love and appreciate your energy and am so glad to be in community with you. Have a beautiful summer and enjoy this time of newness and deep feeling.
With Gratitude,
Safrianna Lughna
The Queer-Spirit Guide
P.S. If you have a moment, I have some potential questions for you! I have created a survey to gather input from participants and potential participants about what they enjoy, what's working or not working with the free calls, and what they would consider if I offered a paid upgrade. If you’re willing to, please take the survey here.
Do you have any other questions you’d like me to answer about these moon ceremonies? If so, drop a comment or send me an email at
This month, I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and share wisdom gleaned from my sabbatical, butterfly medicine, and more. Feel free to follow along if you want to learn more about my story! #UltimateBlogChallenge
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