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Self Care, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Self Care, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Is Sedona the Key to Awakening Your Next Level?

Today, I’m immersing myself in Sedona’s powerful energy all the way from Maryland as I work on my upcoming book, "Balancing the Cosmic Divine." Beside me on my Summer Altar, I have crystals—golden tektite, agni manitite, "Lemurian" quartz, and lepidolite—all found or gifted in Sedona. These were cleansed during my sacred journey to the birthing cave.

As I write, I connect with these energies and draw cards to commune with my guide, Brother Michael. He affirms that both this book and my upcoming Sedona retreat are a huge SOUL YES, offering transformation for me and others. I envision myself in Sedona, with the book published, dancing under the stars with my spiritual siblings, sipping custom hot cocoas.

Sedona’s energy feels both lunar and solar, balancing the cosmic divine within us. Her magic is palpable, from the red rocks to the breathtaking sunrises. I feel her healing energy and know I’ll be there again soon.

If your soul resonates with this magic, join us for our next retreat. We’re weaving our dreams into reality. Who will dance with us in Sedona’s sacred vortex?

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Meditation, Self Care, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Meditation, Self Care, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Summer Solstice is Upon Us!

The Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer or Litha, marks the peak of the solar year and is celebrated worldwide. This holiday represents the longest day of the year and the sun's potent power. It's a time of abundance, heightened spiritual energy, and the turning point where daylight begins to wane. Celebrations vary across cultures, with some of the most famous traditions occurring at Stonehenge and in Sweden, where people dance, decorate with flowers, and enjoy traditional foods. Bonfires play a central role in many celebrations, symbolizing purification and renewal.

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Meditation, Mental Health, Poetry, Self Care, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Meditation, Mental Health, Poetry, Self Care, Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Mental Health Anthems

Creatives often use artistic mediums to express the chaos in their minds, and music is a powerful tool in this regard. What music has been resonating with you lately? Here are some songs that hit me in the feels.


This song speaks to the internal battles we face. As a therapist, I know the interventions and psychological concepts, but it doesn’t make my own struggles easier. This track reflects the walls I build against myself and my difficulty asking for help.

"Humans" by Anyma:

This song serves as an affirmation, helping me navigate the feelings stirred by Ruel's song. It emphasizes the power of humans and the complexity of our existence, highlighting the importance of guiding our inner demons to find freedom.

"Changes" by Joy Oladokun:

Joy's song captures the anxiety of living in a chaotic world. With intimate instrumentation, it resonates as an anthem for embracing change and finding gold in the river of life. Amidst global turmoil, it's a reminder that showing up for yourself is crucial.

These songs deeply connect with mental health experiences. What mental health anthems resonate with you? Share your tracks with us and contribute to our playlist!

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Mental Health, Personal, Self Care Safrianna Lughna Mental Health, Personal, Self Care Safrianna Lughna

Musical Connection

Living LUNA is diving into the beauty and complexity of music this May! Music's connective qualities are extraordinary, creating social bonds and enriching our lives. I've always found music to be a powerful way to connect with others. I even ask new friends to create playlists so I can learn about their tastes. My collection of over 330 playlists reflects my love for diverse musical expressions.

As an autistic person, I often hyperfixate on a song for weeks if it resonates with me. I recall a day spent cleaning the bedroom while listening to DROELOE's "Sunburn" on repeat for two hours—it was perfect! Music collaboration projects reveal the unique ways people perceive and experience music, transcending technical concepts and fostering deep connections.

Throughout May, we'll share how music impacts us and invite you to join the conversation. We'll explore various genres, from inspiring and healing to emotional and unconventional music. We want to hear from you too! Share your favorite songs in the comments, and we'll add them to our Musical May Spotify Playlist. Let's celebrate the power of music together!

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Mental Health, Self Care Safrianna Lughna Mental Health, Self Care Safrianna Lughna

Happy 420! & a Special Podcast Drop

Celebrate 420 with an insightful podcast episode featuring Safrianna and Julie Hanson as they engage in an open dialogue about cannabis. Discover the High RIDERs framework for optimal cannabis consumption and explore the valuable resource of Leafly. Whether you prefer Apple Podcasts or YouTube, tune in to The Joy Factor podcast and join the conversation on responsible cannabis use.

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