S.E.A.S.O.N.S. of Change: A Holistic Framework for Alchemizing Resistance into Resilience
Do you ever catch glimpses of the life you dreamed of living when you were younger - a life filled with freedom, joy, and endless possibilities?
But somehow, along the way, you found yourself conforming to societal expectations, suppressing your true desires, and telling yourself "no" more often than "yes."
If this resonates, you're not alone.
So many of us have bought into the belief that being "successful" means fitting into a certain mold, even if it means hiding parts of ourselves or denying our deepest longings.
We wear masks to please others, to avoid judgment, to stay safe in our comfort zones.
But at what cost?
Usually, the death or suppression of our dreams…
This is why we must not resist our truth but instead learn to embrace it and find it even when it’s lost in the shadows.
One of the sneakiest ways resistance shows up is through our fear of judgment.
Fear and I go way back.
Most recently, this fear of judgment showed up as hesitating to dream bigger in my business despite having already achieved six-figure success. I realized I was holding myself back from reaching even higher levels of abundance because I feared what people might think if I became "too" successful and no longer struggled to get by.
Because of these beliefs, I self-sabotaged and resisted higher levels of my own soul-aligned success. At a core level, beyond societal stories, soul-aligned success to me looks like doing what I love and being supported while doing it—being fully resourced to take care of myself, and having an overflow to offer to my loved ones, neighbors, community, and the world at large.
Yet, I was running numerous subconscious narratives around my “enoughness,” around the fear of being financially wealthy, and my perceived “need” to show up in certain ways. I was masking my true state to emulate what others expect of me!
Here's the thing: Resistance is a natural part of the human experience. It often stems from our primal desire to stay safe and avoid the unknown. But when we let it run the show unchecked, it keeps us disconnected from our soul's truth and stifles our ability to thrive.
The key to breaking free from resistance?
When we shine a light on our patterns of resistance with curiosity and compassion, we can begin to alchemize them into fuel for our growth.
So, how do we begin to untangle these patterns of resistance and cultivate more awareness?
By tuning into our S.E.A.S.O.N.S.!
I’ll give an example. Let’s jump into my signature S.E.A.S.O.N.S. framework and apply it to this example of resistance.
Use the S.E.A.S.O.N.S. framework to:
Rewrite the disempowered STORIES that are keeping you stuck
Identify and heal your ENERGY leaks so you can show up more fully
Take ALIGNED ACTION towards your desires with clarity and confidence
Honor your SEASON OF LIFE and natural rhythms to prevent burnout
Take radical OWNERSHIP of your needs, boundaries, and unique essence
Prioritize SELF-CARE and receive luxurious soul nourishment
During an EFT Tapping session, I discovered my fear of judgment was physically manifesting as a tingling in my eyebrows, I knew I needed to dig deeper. Using the STORIES element of the framework, I explored the disempowered narratives I was telling myself about success and worthiness. I realized I had internalized the belief that I needed to dim my light to be accepted, a pattern rooted in my experiences as a therapist and teacher where I was taught to undervalue my worth.
With this awareness, I could begin to rewrite my story. I affirmed that everyone deserves to live a comfortable life and that my desire for abundance doesn't make me greedy or unrelatable. This ALIGNED ACTION of choosing a new narrative began to soften the resistance I felt around shining fully.
Next, I turned to the NEEDS and SELF-CARE pieces of the framework. I got radically honest about how I was overextending myself and neglecting my own nourishment in the process. By reconnecting with my core needs and implementing more consistent self-care practices, I started to replenish my ENERGY and build a stronger foundation of resilience.
As I moved through this process, I noticed shifts in how I was showing up in my business and relationships. I was communicating more authentically, setting clearer boundaries, and allowing myself to be seen in my fullness. This OWNERSHIP of my true self began to magnetize more aligned opportunities and connections.
Of course, resistance still rears its head from time to time. That's when I come back to the SEASON OF LIFE component of the framework. I get curious about how my internal and external landscapes are impacting my energy, emotions, and behaviors in the moment. By honoring my natural rhythms and making space for the ebbs and flows, I'm able to navigate resistance with more grace and compassion.
Bringing it full circle, because I allowed myself the space to recognize, connect with, and process my patterns of fearing judgment, I could break free from this pattern and install a new way of being in its place. Relying on the wisdom of that life I dreamed of when I was younger, my new behavior when I notice fearing judgment will not be to resist and hide but rather to persist, get curious, and express myself.
This is the beauty of the S.E.A.S.O.N.S. approach. It meets you where you are and empowers you with a flexible yet potent toolkit for transmuting resistance into resilience. When you commit to showing up for yourself and doing the inner work, you open the door to a life beyond your wildest dreams.
My signature S.E.A.S.O.N.S. framework offers a holistic approach to alchemizing resistance into resilience or working on whatever other shadow stuff is arising. I highly suggest looking at any issue in your life through this lens and see what arises!
Remember, you have the innate wisdom and power to transform your life. By committing to showing up for yourself and doing the inner work, you open the door to a life beyond your wildest dreams.
I believe in you!
If you feel called to dive deeper into this work, I offer personalized guidance and support through my SOUL SUGAR program. In this immersive and flexible 3 to 6-month container, you'll receive personalized guidance, ongoing support, and self-understanding so you can design your most radiant, expressed, fully aligned life. I will guide you with my signature S.E.A.S.O.N.S. framework, and you will walk away with awareness and tools galore to help you navigate life’s inevitable obstacles.
If you feel the call to peel back the layers of resistance and step into your soul's sweetness, I encourage you to book a complimentary call with me. Let's explore what's possible when you give yourself permission to shine.
Your most abundant, expansive, irresistibly authentic life is waiting for you.
Will you resist it, or claim it?
Embracing the Flow,
Safrianna Lughna
The Queer-Spirit Guide
This month, I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and share wisdom gleaned from my sabbatical, butterfly medicine, and more. Feel free to follow along if you want to learn more about my story! #UltimateBlogChallenge https://www.ultimateblogchallenge.com/
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