Breaking Generational Trauma: A Call to Embrace the Sacred Feminine
It is time to heal this planet.
I was called in by Mother Earth Herself to be an anchor of love and the ability to process through light and shadow across the multifaceted human experience. To bridge Heaven and Earth, and untangle the mess of living hell we find ourselves in. It doesn’t have to be this way.
It’s time to be fully ourselves.
I am here to dismantle the strict hierarchies and boxes of gender so all beings can fully express in their own Divine Feminine, Masculine, and Androgynous dance—mirrored in the dance of shadow and light across the multitude of dimensions. I am here to abolish all slavery practices, including the modern traps of capitalism and purity politics to determine who is worthy. I stand in the truth that all beings are inherently worthy.
It’s time to free ourselves of the toxic patterns that perpetuate trauma.
I am a cycle breaker. I am here to clear generational trauma. Generational trauma hit our Mothers hardest of all, and our mothers and their mothers have carried these wounds through bloodlines because they are the thread that connects us all—not because they wanted to pass this trauma on, but because the violence was so great.
Because of Patriarchal control, fear, shame, and blame have prevailed over generations now, the world quakes with trapped, unexpressed grief and pain. But so many of us are awakening, ready to feel it and heal it. We are allowing our Mother Wounds to heal, rippling all the way back through generations before, and all the way forward through generations to come.
I see you!
A card of Mary of Nazareth, Mother of God, is held up in focus in the foreground. Author Safrianna Lughna holds the card, off focus in the background, wearing a floral jumper. Photograph by Amanda Lucia Photography.
The energy of the Divine Mother has been a presence or spiritual guide in many forms for me over the years—I couldn’t pinpoint the first moment, but Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene have been strongest in my life over the last three years, while Brigid was the first distinctly feminine archetype to appear to me over ten years ago. Many other Divine Feminine figures have been powerful for me as well, including Innana, Isis, Shakti, Ishtar, Diana, Aphrodite/Lady Venus, Freya, Arianrhod, Aine, and an ancient moth Goddess being called Ma’hara. I also have predominantly feminine energy on my “team” of ancestors, guardians, and spiritual guides.
Yet, I have also experienced a disconnection from the feminine, from the flow, from the pulse of the Goddess’s heartbeat that thrums through the Earth.
I have cut myself off for entire chapters of my life to try and stay safe, witnessing the ways femininity, girlhood, womanhood, and feminine expression in any form was attacked and, at times, destroyed around me.
I’ve shut down the water that flows in my inner well to try and keep it from destruction. There have been times I’ve been terrified to open to the energy of my womb space, the fertile and creative place within, because I have experienced the exploitation of that energy against my will first hand.
But, we are not our traumas, and it’s time to break the patterns.
We get to reclaim that energy for ourselves, for our ancestors, and for the future generations of this planet.
There is a greater focus and return to Goddess connections now more than ever before—a vocal cry to reclaim the lost wisdom of the sacred Feminine, not just for women, but for all people.
It is time. The descent into the Dark Mother—the space where the soul can come more fully in and we can return to earth and the sacred feminine–-is upon us.
Let us not continue to hold one another captive, the way the dominant systems have.
We are not our generational trauma, but we carry it with us in our cells, generations of wounding and suffering. All it takes is a trigger for those memories to come online, for their programming to ignite our cells, for us to fall into patterns that aren’t even ours.
The grief we feel looking back, at the present, and into the future comes as proof of the love we have for each other and the Earth. The pain we feel when we see the massive levels of suffering from war, genocide, assault, and other violations is evidence of how much we love and long for beauty, peace, and joy. We long for healing for us all.
The human experience is a dance between celebration and sorrow. Life, death, and rebirth—the slipstream between 3D, 4D, and 5D. But, it need not be so painful.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and hopeless right now—but we do have seeds of power within us ready to bloom. It is a process of blossoming we must choose to initiate through nurturing our dreams, our desires, and our most soul-aligned life.
Now more than ever, we’re called to reconnect with the Divine Feminine, the sacred dark womb within us all. This womb space is the fertile dark of Winter, The Void—a place where we can connect with the great cosmic cauldron of creation, the seat of our inspiration, empowerment, and pleasure.
We are not separate from nature. The very Earth and Sun created the fertile ground on which we can thrive. We are made from our ancestors' bones and stardust. So what if we embraced what these cosmic forces had to teach us? What might be possible if we tuned in, went down deep into our own dark, and reconnected with the lost threads of ourselves, our dreams, and our greater stories woven in the web of life?
We could heal—all the way back, all the way forward. We could pave the way for generations that do not have to experience poverty, destruction, and destitution. As I always say, there is already enough pain and grief in the simple cycles of life and death, loss, illness, and natural disaster. Enough challenges already exist. We do not need to hurt each other.
May we all look at each other with the love a Mother gives her newborn child. May we see each other for the sacred children of the cosmos, of God/dess, that we are.
Here are some questions to consider as you tune into your own internal mother line and sacred feminine:
What Mother archetypal figures or divine energies do you feel drawn to? Do you have any sacred feminine guides? Are you connected with any wise feminine ancestors?
How can you connect within your sacred womb space (and men, I’m talking to you! You have an internal creative well and a connection to Goddess energy, too!)? Creative practices? Movement? Self-expression?
Do you have any role models who exemplify what it means to be in flow, connection with the Earth, nurturing energy, and the power of creation?
What generational trauma cycles end with you?
Know that I am here cheering you on every step of the way. If I can be of support, let me know. Check out my rituals and podcasts on YouTube, visit my website to read more about what I do, or check out my books. I will keep sharing my voice and shining my light because I believe we all rise together.
This human story is not an easy one, certainly not without pain, but when we embrace the reality of pain and grief as a human experience when we feel our emotions fully rather than bottling them up, and when we can allow ourselves to flow between the phases of life, death, and rebirth, life as we know it will be unrecognizable.
Each of us has a part to play in our collective liberation, and I believe it starts within.
With All My Love,
Safrianna Lughna
The Queer-Spirit Guide
By the way—if you feel called to dive deeper into your personal healing work, I offer personalized guidance and support through my SOUL SUGAR program. In this immersive and flexible 3 to 6-month container, you'll receive personalized guidance, ongoing support, and self-understanding so you can design your most radiant, expressed, fully aligned life. I will guide you with my signature S.E.A.S.O.N.S. framework, and you will walk away with awareness and tools galore to help you navigate life’s inevitable obstacles. You’re invited to book a complimentary 15-minute call to see if we’re a match for this soul-level work.
This month, I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and share wisdom gleaned from my sabbatical, butterfly medicine, and more. Feel free to follow along if you want to learn more about my story! #UltimateBlogChallenge
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