Buck Moon Magic: Harnessing the Power of the Second Capricorn Full Moon

Whew, friends!

Do you ever experience insomnia on or near the Full Moon? I do, often, and this month was such a time! This Buck Moon is particularly potent, overflowing with an almost “beacon” like energy, calling us to higher!

Though I may be quite sleepy, I’m excited to share about the energies arising with this particular celestial event, known as the Buck Moon. With this lunation, we are provided powerful opportunities for clearing and renewal which I think we could all use! The world is full of “gunk” right now. So let’s dive in.

Moon in Capricorn. Full moon, golden yellow light. Buck moon.

The Wisdom of This Full Moon

These past few weeks have been intense, to say the least. We've been in a "Capricorn chapter" right in the middle of summer thanks to two Full Moons in Capricorn in a row, creating a pressure cooker of energy. This Full Moon marks the end of this intense period, offering us a chance to release and renew.

Here's what this Full Moon is inviting us to consider:

  1. Security and Stability: Capricorn energy asks us to examine what helps us feel secure and stable in our lives.

  2. Love and Acceptance: We're being called to explore what helps us feel loved, both conditionally and unconditionally during Cancer season.

  3. Vocation and Legacy: It's time to look at our work life, our calling, and the legacy we want to leave behind.

  4. Renewal and Transformation: With Pluto's influence, this Full Moon is all about deep transformation and renewal.

  5. Releasing What No Longer Serves: We're being asked to let go of anything that's holding us back from our highest alignment.

Our Full Moon Ceremony

During our live Full Moon ceremony, we engaged in several powerful practices:

  1. Setting Intentions: We took time to set clear intentions for what we want to release or call in over the next two weeks.

  2. Energy Clearing: We performed an extended energy clearing to release any stagnant or negative energies we've accumulated.

  3. Guided Visualization: We went on a deep inner journey, swimming with the mythical seagoat (Capricorn's symbol) to uncover hidden wisdom and release what no longer serves us.

  4. Card Reading: We drew cards from the Keepers of the Light deck for collective guidance.

You can watch the replay here.

An Invitation to Celebrate

As we navigate this powerful Full Moon energy, remember that letting go is a constant process. Just as we may pick up burrs while walking through a garden or forest, we accumulate beliefs, stories, and energies that don't belong to us as we move through life. This Full Moon offers us a beautiful opportunity to shed these layers, to cleanse ourselves in the metaphorical waters of transformation. 

The seagoat, a symbol of Capricorn's wisdom, reminds us that sometimes we need to dive deep beneath the surface storms to find our true selves and our inner peace. As you emerge from this Full Moon period, listen closely to your inner voice. There's a new level of speaking your truth emerging, an expansion of your throat chakra that's allowing you to be more empowered in expressing your needs and boundaries. 

Trust in this process, trust in your own vision of heaven on earth. 

You are important, you are needed, and you are deeply, unconditionally loved. Keep going—your journey of self-discovery and growth is unfolding exactly as it should.

I invite you to join in this powerful Full Moon energy, whether by watching the replay of our ceremony or creating your own ritual. Take time this weekend to cleanse, release, and set powerful intentions for your path forward.

Let's embrace this potent Capricorn energy together, getting serious about our personal growth and stepping fully into our power. The cosmic energies are supportive—let's ride these waves! Until next time, keep shining your beautiful light.

Love and blessings,
Safrianna Lughna
The Queer-Spirit Guide

Blessings to you under the Full Buck Moon in Capricorn, friends!

As we embrace the energies of this second consecutive Full Moon in Capricorn, we find ourselves at a powerful juncture of reflection and ambition. Known as the Buck Moon, this July lunation symbolizes strength and growth, mirroring the majestic antlers of male deer reaching their full potential.

This Full Moon encourages us to honor our accomplishments and practical wisdom while setting intentions for future endeavors. Capricorn's influence inspires us to assess our achievements, refine our goals, and fortify the foundations we've built. It's a moment to acknowledge our progress and harness the peak of summer's energy for continued growth.

The Buck Moon calls us to embody resilience and leadership, much like the buck leading its herd. It's an opportune time to cultivate stability, pursue soul-level success, and deepen our connection to our life's purpose. Let's use this cosmic energy to celebrate our hard work and dedicate ourselves to future aspirations.

I'm Safrianna Lughna, the Queer-Spirit Guide. I provide these ceremonies in an open, non-denominational, yet spiritual space, creating a trauma-informed and welcoming container for all. Living LUNA remains committed to fostering holistic well-being, self-love, and empowerment through community engagement, education, counseling, coaching, rituals, and retreats. Our mission is to create a world where authenticity and love flourish without shame. Explore more about our transformative offerings at https://livinglunas.com/ and https://www.safrianna.com/

This month, I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and share wisdom gleaned from my sabbatical, butterfly medicine, and more. Feel free to follow along if you want to learn more about my story! #UltimateBlogChallenge https://www.ultimateblogchallenge.com/

Want to chat with me directly? Join the LivingLUNAs Discord: https://discord.gg/5UkGZb9kYp


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