Moon Babes Tea & Chat: A Soul Connection Call with Kaitlyn Algar
Alright friends — let me be honest.
I’m a Manifesting Generator in Human Design, constantly coming up with new ideas and meeting new people. I have dozens of incredible conversations every month. I am also an ADHDer and follow through on old projects that are no longer “alive” and center focus can be challenging! That’s unfortunately meant I’ve struggled with sharing out content I’ve already created… even though it’s there for you to enjoy!
As such, I’ve decided to share my old Soul Connection Calls with you all over — beautiful, open dialogues that have benefits so many of those who caught them live.
For my very first Soul Connection Call, I had the pleasure of hosting Kaitlyn Algar, a psychic moon mentor. Our conversation was filled with insights about intuition, spiritual practices, and embracing our authentic selves.
I'm excited to share some highlights from our chat!
Episode Highlights
Before we dive in, here's a quick rundown of what we covered:
The power of following your curiosity and intuition
Working with moon phases to understand personal patterns
Embracing and owning our unique spiritual gifts
Navigating fear on our spiritual journeys
The importance of diverse spiritual communities
Curiosity: Your Intuition's Best Friend
One of the things I loved most about our conversation was Kaitlyn's emphasis on curiosity. She dropped this gem:
"Follow your curiosity. That is your intuition."
How beautiful is that? It reminded me of my own journey and how following those little sparks of interest led me to where I am today. If something lights you up, pay attention to it!
Dancing with the Moon
Kaitlyn's work with moon phases fascinated me as it was both similar and different from my own.
She explained how tuning into lunar cycles can help us understand ourselves better:
"You start to perceive your own patterns, your own cycles of thought, behavior, and emotion in a new way... Is this even mine? Is this programmed, or where did I get this from?"
This approach resonates so deeply with the work we do at Living LUNA. It's all about finding those cosmic rhythms that help us navigate our inner landscapes.
Owning Your Spiritual Superpowers
During our chat, we dived into the importance of embracing our spiritual gifts. I shared this thought:
"The more that I talk with people like you and meet more people like me that choose to look at this symbolism and these blueprints... The more I'm seeing empowered people because they're like, 'I own this aspect of my design.'"
It's so empowering to see people step into their spiritual truth and use it to light up the world!
Fear: Friend or Foe?
We had a powerful discussion about fear and how it relates to our spiritual journeys. I opened up about my own experience:
"For me as a Natural Number 9, fear is my Achilles heel. And sometimes fear is what shows me I need to move in that direction."
This highlights how important it is to understand our own unique signals. What feels like a "no" for someone else might be a big, flashing "yes" for you!
Celebrating Diverse Paths
One of the most beautiful moments in our conversation was recognizing how different approaches can serve different people. As I mentioned:
"We're going to attract the perfect people for us, which I think is so cool. Like you get to have this beautiful women's circle and I'm going to have my radically queer rainbow circle over here."
This diversity in spiritual practices ensures that everyone can find a space where they feel truly seen and supported.
This Soul Connection Call with Kaitlyn was a beautiful reminder of the power of embracing our unique spiritual paths. Whether you're drawn to moon cycles, intuitive practices, or queer spirituality, there's a place for you in this vast cosmic dance.
If you're hungry for more spiritual goodness, I invite you to watch the full episode on our YouTube channel or down below.
And don't forget to hit that subscribe button to catch upcoming podcast episodes, masterclasses, and rituals as they drop!
Let's continue to explore, grow, and shine our authentic light together!
Your path is uniquely yours.
Embrace it, love it, and let it lead you to magic!
All My Love,
Safrianna Lughna
The Queer-Spirit Guide
*Transcript was created in Descript and may not be 100% accurately transcribed.
Moon Babes Tea & Chat with Safrianna Lughna & Kaitlyn AlgarSafrianna: for it to actually go live because I've discovered that every time I click the button, it's about 10 seconds after I start talking that it actually picks up. So hopefully we are live now. Welcome to anyone who tunes in. Let's go ahead and just introduce ourselves, Caitlin, because I am guessing that we're going to be seen by some people who haven't seen who we are before.
So do you want to go ahead and introduce
Kaitlyn: yourself first? Perfect. I can do that. So my name is Caitlin. I'm a psychic moon mentor. I work with intuitives and empaths to help them strengthen their intuition. And I love working with spiritual entrepreneurs to help them remember their power and get them to their next level in business.
Safrianna: Yes. Remembering their power is key. Ugh, such important work right now. I feel like that's where we're all collectively at right now, is like just trying to remember who we are and what we forgot on the way in that we were supposed to remember. So that's such important work. So I'm Zafriana Luna. I'm the Queer Spirit Guide, co founder of Living Luna.
I work with LGBTQIA folks and their allies, polyamorous people, and entrepreneurs with invisible chronic conditions, to very similarly to Caitlyn, remember who they are and find their zone of genius and their zone of joy through ritual and guidance, guardianship, guidance ship. Still figuring out all the vocabulary words.
So Caitlyn and I are on this. super awesome book project together. That's how we met. So Caitlin, how did you find Soul Alchemy?
Kaitlyn: I don't know. I don't know how I was following Jess. The leader of this project and she was on live and I randomly started watching one of her lives and I was just like, Oh my God, I feel this.
And I already was starting to have downloads as I'm like watching her. And I'm like, okay, I'm going to, I'm going to come back. I'm going to watch some more content. And then she mentioned the, project and I was like, you know what? I'm just going to have a conversation with her. I don't know. Cause I already set the intention at the beginning of the year.
Like I want to get back into creative writing. Like it's, I. I was something I love so much and had been a part of like away from it for a good while. And then we had a conversation and I was just like, like just her energy is like so powerful and like loving. And I was like, I need this. I just need to be more in her energy.
Like it's magical.
Safrianna: Yes. And so Jess is a natural number nine. Like I am and I have my body of nine mug here. I'm such a body of nine junkie. It's not even funny. I loved meeting Jess because it was like meeting that like soul twin. Oh, this is how our energy shows up in the world. And I don't know that I'd ever met another person like me until I met Jess.
So it was just this like really cool coming home for me. So of course when she, I was on a book project with her. Last year, called Raising Wild Ones and that's where I learned my natural number and when she posted about soul alchemy I was like, I have to be on this project. I have to be on this project I don't know how I'm gonna make it happen, but I'm gonna freaking make it happen I did so thank goodness, but as soon as that cover reveal went up like I Just felt this like overwhelming sense of magic.
This is going to be so important to the people who need it. So what is your chapter about?
Kaitlyn: Yeah it's funny. So I was already in the energy of what she was saying that the project, which was about, which is this like soul alchemy, which we both touched on is like part of our work and what we love is helping people remember their power.
And so I wanted to share my story of how I came to do what I do now. And so that's what it's about, this journey of how I started to lean more into my passions and my passions in work and career and was getting closer and closer to exactly what I wanted to do. And then I got fired for the first time in my life.
So you have this like ego, blow up, like I didn't do anything wrong. And then that really led me to be like, F it. Like I'm only doing things that I want to do. I'm saying yes to everything I'm curious about and wanted to get into. And so I would say that was like my spiritual awakening as well.
It led me to buy my first tarot deck, which I was always interested in from a young age, but it was like, no listening to other people's opinions and like having a Christian background and upbringings Oh, that could be bad, and I was like, F it if it's bad, I'll know it.
And I can stop doing it. And yeah, and found Moonology, which. Oh my God, obviously I became addicted to and just yeah, that was, her book was one of the first things I purchased at that time. And yeah. Wow.
Safrianna: So that is such a really good point that you just brought up of if it's bad, I'll know.
I remember hearing these stories as I was starting to get interested, cause similarly to what you just shared, like I, I grew up Christian, but we didn't like, I go to church a lot, but the ideals were very, stated constantly. I remember being four, crying in bed, praying that I was not going to get smote down that night, which I just don't think any child should have to do, first of all.
But later, when I started hearing these these cards are satanic or whatever they're going to lead you to evil. I was like, I'm pretty sure I know what evil feels like. in me, right? And I'm going to know in my own sovereign autonomy if something's right or wrong for me.
And to let people have that choice and that ability to explore what feels authentic to them, I think is the most important spiritual mission we can possibly be on. Everybody finds their own path. And like, how beautiful would that be?
Kaitlyn: I'm telling people all the time follow your curiosity.
That is your intuition. Because so many people ask me like, how do you strengthen your intuition? Or, oh, a common problem is how do I know it's intuition versus like ego, but it's really that feeling and this pattern that you have to learn that you have to practice at first.
To do exactly what you just said, connect inward, connect with yourself. What feels good for me and letting that be enough, letting that be the guide. And that's a huge mission of mine is remember this power and you're going to blow up like every area of your life in the most beautiful, way.
Safrianna: Yeah. Morningstar just said, I support religious freedom. I don't worship because no one can call down their God. Yeah, I love, what a great way none of us can call down some higher power to, do the smiting or whatever, right? We're all kind of playing on the same field when we think about it.
And yeah religious freedom is, I think, something that should really be fought for. Not religious freedom to shove our religion down other people's throats, but to express it for ourselves and to be able to say, here's an offering, and if you want to explore this I'm here. And you can come explore this with me.
And then that permission that permission I feel like is everything. Because that's where we get to follow that curiosity and that sort of impulse, right? Oh, that's lighting me up. I want to follow that. I remember the first time I, my first deck, my first card deck was the Mystic Fairy Tarot.
And I remember just, I was wandering through the bookstore, I was 18, I'd just run away from home. And I just saw the artwork and I was like, oh, there's something about this artwork that's really speaking to me. And then that led me to really this, major awakening where I found like my druid path.
So it's so cool to hear like these kind of commonalities. So what are you hoping people are going to take away from your chapter? Is it that you can, follow your curiosity? Is it authenticity? What, would you say is your big,
Kaitlyn: Yeah, my big takeaway is for them to really, to help people get off the fence.
So for those people who have been like, Ooh, I'm curious about developing a spiritual practice, but oh, my religion, does it allow for that? A little bit about what we've been talking about. It's you can incorporate that into your spiritual practice. Like I, I do, I still work with Jesus and work with, angels and pray and I do yoga and I meditate and I love the Sanskrit language and yoga and chanting meditations and all of these things.
And so you can really blend them together. Like it doesn't have to be just one thing and you get a slide. For yourself but start and start to play and start to see what feels good and what doesn't. And, you mentioned before of diving into the project with Jess diving into soul alchemy and saying, yes, even though it's I don't know how this is going to work out.
I don't know how, but okay. Yes. And that's part of my story that I'm sharing and the chapter as well of okay, I lost my job, but I'm. Had a big trip planned with some girlfriends and it's fuck, I have no income coming in. Do I continue and go on this trip? That's going to be so fun. And that my heart is totally in and I'm like, so totally excited to go.
Or do I sink back into fear and go, no, I have to search for jobs and I have to I can't, how am I going to do it? And I leaned into the fun and the excited and. And it worked, out. It's a kind of a crazy story actually, because at the time there was a hurricane also coming into, I was traveling into, luckily, Texas is a really huge state, so the hurricane only hit like the tip, but I was going into San Antonio, which was like fairly close, so it's like all of these things were happening and just lost my job.
Oh crap. Now there's a hurricane coming into where I'm supposed to fly into. No, it's going to work out. I'm trusting that it's going to work out. Because I was following that feeling, I was choosing to do something new and try to have this logical and this overthinking pattern. Be like, no, it's fun. It's going to work out.
I'm going to get the job I already applied for that. I really, want, and I'm going to go have fun with my girlfriends. And I did, and so I'm hoping that inspires people to be like, okay, maybe there's something to what these people are saying of I don't know how it's going to work out, but you know what it is and leaning in and taking that action and following that feeling.
And then it's interesting. I'm sure you know how the universe helped you along the way, make that dream possible, make that dream yours.
Safrianna: Yeah, when we follow our joy, like everything falls into place with that. And I just want to acknowledge Morningstar on YouTube is sharing some really cool, of their own experiences and studying palmistry, numerology, and astrology, like all of these tools, right?
When we open Ourselves to making our own path. Like you just said, I also work with Jesus. I also work with angels. I work with Brigid. I've got Ari and Rod on my altar over here. Like these cosmic energies, gods, goddesses, angels, ancestors, guardians, guides, there's no one right answer. It's so unique and individual.
And I love when we can blend these things together because then it's serving us in our highest self. My chapter is. I, work in a lot of metaphor, like a lot of metaphor. The chapter I wrote for the first book with Jess was about how we're all a garden, and people have come in and tried to dig up what we were planting for ourselves and be like, no, you have to have this in your garden, an HOA law.
And so this chapter, what started coming through is, The butterfly and butterfly medicine, which I think I remember you mentioning like you have a resonance with butterflies too, when we first met in this project.
Kaitlyn: Yeah, one of the first decks I bought, Gabrielle Bernstein, the universe has your back.
And so I'm like starting to use the deck and okay, what is my sign from spirit? I was like, okay, if I see butterflies, that's how I know, yes, keep going.
Safrianna: So I declared 2023 my year of the butterfly. And, then this chapter was born. And so my chapter is very much a metaphor about how, like we are born.
We start eating, we're just consuming to survive. And then eventually we have this sort of aha moment. That's it. And we all have it at a different stage in our lives sometimes we're 18, sometimes we're 45. And we have this huh, maybe what I've been consuming isn't the full answer.
Maybe that's not really who I am, right? The stuff we've taken in from society. And then we go into our dark chrysalis and we have that like dark night of the soul. And it's really Ugly for a while, right? When we're in that like deep, dark despair pit. And then the light starts to come through and we create ourselves anew.
And then eventually we get to hatch as this beautiful butterfly. And Yeah, butterflies are definitely signs of transformation. And as I've been writing this chapter, I've had a huge aha moment because, I've been a trauma therapist for six something years now and plus the three plus years of education.
And I've had this aha, like this isn't actually what I am. I am not a therapist. I'm a healer. I'm a guide. And really recognizing that. Despite consuming all of this knowledge and all this knowledge is super useful for me in my future the script I had put in myself isn't really authentic to me, it's what I thought I had to do based on societal standards.
So I'm still even going through this transformation and I do think that we all go through sort of these butterfly stages. repeatedly in life. Once we've done it the first time, then it's Oh what can I heal next? Or what can I work with next? What can I dive into the dark with? And go into the goo and the juice and the mess and like really redesign myself in the image that I am finding authentic to me.
Kaitlyn: Yeah, and that's what I love about working with the phases of the moon and in my projects and in my work with people, I outline the specific energy of each phase, specific emotions that come up at each phase, specific tools and questions to work with then. And you start to, she really can help you start to perceive.
Your own patterns, your own cycles of thought, behavior, and emotion in a new way, like you're saying of, is this, even mine? Is this? Programmed or like, where did I get this from? Or maybe it was mine, but I'm, it's not serving me anymore. I'm not about it anymore. And knowing that, Oh, there's a next phase coming.
There's the next cycle coming. But when you do go into these, like the next transformation, the next level, the next layer of healing. It can be really helpful to see okay, I've been here before. Okay. This is normal. This is what phase I'm in. Okay. Something good is coming. Okay. And it helps you identify so you can make it through.
And then I find that helps to get out of this, like overthinking. Cycle. Cause I don't know about you, but so many of my clients, they're so spiritually gifted and their upper chakras are just so wide open. It's just comfortable to be in this space. Yes. Daydreaming, overthinking, thinking, dreaming, creating.
But so my work is to really come back into the body, calm ground. And that's a lot of the outcome that I help. others achieve in their own way.
Safrianna: Oh, we just released a podcast episode on overthinking our living Luna podcast, actually. So yes, this is a big thing. And I do think like spiritually, the more open we are, the more we can even fight with ego and that overthinking, because it's we'll get that intuitive hit.
And then ego's but wait, Are you sure? Morningstar asked if we know what moon what moon phase we were born under. And I'm Yeah,
Kaitlyn: the full moon for me, which is why it's my favorite. And I found often for others, that tends to be a thing whatever phase stands out to you, you're likely
Safrianna: I am so curious now because I don't remember.
I don't hold time information in my head at all. So it's Creatrix season. Today is the 3 3 portal. So very cool we're doing this. And I'm, a quantum Creatrix. That's my, star archetype design. And, Yeah divine timing is definitely super, super potent right now. Alright, let me look up my birthday here.
How did you find, like, when did you truly recognize, Oh, the moon is how I'm meant to live my life. Okay, mine was apparently a, waxing crescent just after a new moon.
Kaitlyn: It was really just, I just kept going on the journey. And for me, it was just, Oh, keep following your curiosity and keep staying with what feels good.
And even in the early, stages of my. Spiritual awakening and development. Like I would play, right? And so Ooh, I'm curious about this. Okay, what are angels? What angels should I work with? And before I didn't dive into researching and, Oh, I have to know. And I'm going to read up. I'm going to, I was like, okay, let me practice right.
With my intuition diving in and sat in meditation and connected and like what names came to me. I trusted, and then I looked it up afterwards. And so that's really just been my whole. Sort of journey. And I don't know, maybe I was just having fun and loved it so much. I just kept with it and it worked.
And then I learned more. I probably started with doing full moon rituals like regularly, and then slowly learned about each and every phase and realized that, Oh, this could be fun to incorporate into mentorship projects and growth opportunities for, other people. So yeah, I don't know. This is something I'm still rolling with.
Safrianna: Yeah, I, so I just recently pulled my human design chart. I didn't know about human design until last year, and one of my channels is the rhythm channel, and I was like, how flippin cool, because I was already really obsessed with the seasons. Always loved the seasons. I've always loved the elements and all the symbolic correspondence of things.
And now I'm layering the moon in too, which was absolutely inspired by clients that I was working with as a therapist who were like, Oh, I've started tracking my moods according to the moon cycle just to notice. And then I was like, Oh when that, was said, like something shifted big time in me. I was like, how cool would it be to walk these rhythms with my clients?
And then I meet people like you, and I'm like, it's happening.
Kaitlyn: Amazing. How fun is this? Yeah. And
Safrianna: I love I've been to a I love to go to people's events and feel their different energy. And I love that we get to. Not compete, but just each shine in our own authentic energy and like the people that are attracted to that energy are going to want to come to us, right?
Jess as a natural number nine holds a very unique space. That I can hold similar to, but I'm still a different flavor than her. And I don't know what natural number you are. I'm super curious, but I don't know. Yeah, I haven't looked it up. We need to find out. We definitely need to find out.
Kaitlyn: me a resource,
Safrianna: or
Kaitlyn: we'll have to put one attached to it.
Safrianna: Yes, same with Jillian. Cause I went to one of Jillian. Jillian's another author in Soul Alchemy. And I went to one of her events and her energy was like exact opposite of mine. Like it was huge and vibrant and big and like I was like pumped up.
Whereas me, I'm like normally so mellow. Oh, Jess thinks you might be a six. I don't know. We
Kaitlyn: need to find out. We'll have to find out. Yeah, generally people are like, so before I even, I don't know, it was interesting before I even really developed my, Program for spiritual entrepreneurs magnetism to go to their next level to really heal and clear out these fears and old patterns and old emotions that were keeping them in self sabotage.
People would always tell me, Oh, you have such a mothering like energy Oh my God, you're so calm. So yeah, I don't know whatever numbers associated with that.
Safrianna: And yes, so just for audience members who might not be as familiar. So life path numbers. are numerology based. And body of nine, our natural number or a natural energy number is entirely body based.
It's not something you can look up on a birth chart. It's not a quiz you can take. It's literally something like people who have been studying this for decades. Years and years This goes back to ancient knowledge and is tied into numerology, but it's like a physical form. So when you're getting identified, like they, if you're at a distance, they have you look into the camera, they have you do body movements.
They like watch these little micro movements in your body of how you breathe and how you smile and like all these things. And it is foundational to how I've understood how I show up in my spiritual gifts. especially because they consider it a physio spiritual system, which I just love. Like how our body came in equipped to present our gifts.
So very cool. I'm not going to take up our chat talking a ton about that. It's just, like I said, Body of Nine junkie. I've got the merch. I love it. It's really
Kaitlyn: cool work. So Love for the Moon is something that's more recent as far as incorporating it into your life and your work. Say that again.
Sorry. I your love for the moon energy. Is it something that's more recent in your personal life or, in your work or tell me a little bit about.
Safrianna: I would say historically I did a drawing down the moon ritual in a very traditional pagan circle led by a Wiccan once upon a time back when I was 18.
And that was my first introduction to, oh, we can Soak in these moonbeams, and like I felt something with that, and for me it's always about feeling it in my body, when I can feel it in my body and it settles in as like peace or safety or coming home or something like that's when I'm like, keep following this.
And then, yeah, for years and years it was really just the new moon, full moon, like I would acknowledge them, and I'd pay attention to my energy. I was a public school teacher. For seven years. Let me tell you about full moon energy in a public school.
Good. Oh my gosh. So yeah, like I really started to notice it during that time. Oh, there's really some kind of impact that we tangibly feel here. And, That definitely got me curious. But then, as a therapist I was also diving more into creating my own spiritual rituals off on the side to just play with it and see if that's where I wanted to go.
And that's when I started working with the moon, more specifically. Now, I don't think I am anywhere near as in depth as you, because, I We have our living lunar brand, which is lunar themed. And I have a sacred moon circle. That's not all about the moon. We just happened to meet on full moon and new moon, and we have this lunar symbolism.
So that's why it's called that. But like you, I have this sense, have far more of an understanding of the astrology too, that's going on. So do you have any, I'm really curious, like this upcoming. Full moon. Are you getting any juicy astrological information that people should hear?
Kaitlyn: It's interesting that you say that, because I've studied moonology with Yasmin Boland, but I haven't dove deep into the study of astrology.
I love reading about it, and every time I do, I'm like, oh my god of course this is what I'm seeing reflected in me, and my peers, and the people who do this work, and beyond. But, Yeah. Mostly for me, it's like what you were saying. It's I, my purpose is almost like to ground it and to come home and meet yourself and nurture yourself and find that love for yourself again.
And again, when you do that, it like can transform literally any area of your life. You can, it can help you reach any goal by coming back into this. Empowered divine feminine energy of connecting with those emotions and connecting with subtle energy and letting things be messy for a little bit. And slowing down and resting like, Oh, I cannot tell you how many beautiful breakthroughs that I've seen with clients who either bring in more sales or like finally start the business that they wanted to and stop working for other people or how relationships have changed.
Because people have come back to that. But I can say just feeling into this energy, like March is an epic freaking energy. I don't know if you're feeling it yet. Creatrix season, like I said, that's why I'm in my red today. We're in we've just been feeling like some of these denser dark energies.
It's almost been like a collective like detox purging can be really tough. Like I want to honor that. And It's March is okay, we're starting to come out. We're starting to see the little specks of light. And it's go that thing that you want to do, take action on it. Let it be the smallest possible step, but go forward towards that.
And this is I feel like it's a momentum gaining sort of energy where like April is going to be like explosive for those who do. Start to take action and start to get organized a little bit. Like we're coming into almost like what we're talking about, grounding and using some of these masculine principles of taking the practical action, like having these little baby steps.
And it's more of a focus I've noticed on The day to day, what you're doing, like I was just talking with a client the other day and she was getting lost in like the big goal and how am I going to reach my big goal? How am I going to make this 20, 000? That's my goal and it's you're not going to see it.
You're not going to see each and every step like that paradigm is dead. There's no traditional path to follow. Like it's about connecting with your own energy and what you love and lights you up and doing that and like the day to day, like little steps that yes, sometimes it's business related, but sometimes it's just your personal energy.
Yeah. Hopefully that makes, yeah, no, I'm feeling so excited because I feel it. I can feel it in my body.
Safrianna: Yeah. I'm feeling it too. Like I'm noticing this incredible surge of creative energy. And I, January and February, I came into, I've mentioned Starchotypes and it's Creatrix season 1. 1 portal belongs to the Analyst Starchotype, and normally that's pre Spring Cleaning, the Analyst gets so organized, and I was like, I'm gonna get in the Analyst energy, my boyfriend's an Analyst, and dive into all this stuff that's gonna prepare me for March, and then the energy was like no, you're not.
You're gonna sit. Just rest. Rest yeah. And then February came along, 2 2. Wayshower is all about, walking our, talk and, just showing up, and I'm like, now? Wayshower energy? Can I like, Channels and stuff. I, and I did some private channeling and tuned into some ancestral energy, but it was still like no, it's not time to quite yet.
Kaitlyn: some relationship building, maybe talking a little bit more. Yeah.
Safrianna: All of that. Yeah, absolutely. And then now I'm like, okay, now it's go time. And I'm like, I couldn't sleep last night. Cause I was buzzing.
Kaitlyn: A lot of those, so you can even take it back to the end of last year too, like a lot of people, a lot of sensitive intuitives or empaths might've got a lot of downloads, like a lot of creative ideas, but you haven't really started those projects yet. Go back to those reflections and pick one to focus on and run with
Safrianna: it.
Yeah. That's great advice for people right now. I think To really go back to those dreams, those, visions that we were having as it got dark last year. And now it is now's the seed planting time, now we're moving towards spring, we've got full moon energy here, it's creatrix season there's all this really juicy cosmic stuff.
If you choose to lean into that symbolism, and if you don't, just notice. Notice what's there for you. There's nothing wrong with just Being you and noticing what's coming up. You don't have to believe in all the alternative stuff, the tools, the I just see them as information that we can choose to ingest and decide if it's right for us and the more that I Talk with people like you and meet more people like me that choose to look at this symbolism and these blueprints and whatnot The more I'm seeing empowered people because they're like I own this aspect of my design like I owned I chose this for me or I embodied in this way or this is who I am and very cool stuff.
Kaitlyn: Yeah. And they're starting to come out of the woodwork a little bit more and more as people like you, people like myself talk about it and are like this is so exciting. This is how I incorporate it into my life. And they're like, Ooh, I do that. And they start talking about it a little bit more, which is amazing.
I love that we're in this period now where it's safe to talk about, right? We can go into sort of. past lives or even decades ago where it's no, you're going to be shunned or shamed for connect, being able to connect to this subtle energy and trying to talk about it and express it and be like, there's this, thing that maybe you can't see, but, I can see like a morning star was talking about earlier in the comments.
Safrianna: and I, do think that there are a lot of people that are still afraid to lean into this stuff for exactly what you just said, like the fear of being discriminated against and shamed, and I've had to deal with plenty of that. Absolutely. And only you get to determine your worth. Only you get to determine what's right for you.
And you do get to decide whether you believe what other people are saying. So if, other people are saying like, you're a terrible person for liking moonology cards or Oracle decks or tarot or whatever, what does that say about their trauma, their fear, their scarcity model, their one way thinking that literally comes from trauma.
Kaitlyn: Yeah. And it's not about correcting them or teaching them. It's just about for yourself. Do I want to stay in this energy? Do I want to be around them? Is that what I want to stay in? No, probably not. Lean into but it feels good. I explain it all the time. Intuition more so as like a feeling when it uplifts you when it feels lighter and your body and your mind versus like fear is like really dense and you can feel your body like constrict and tighten.
And that's a no like for me anyways, those are no's. Signs and that sort of lighter, even if it doesn't make logical sense, right? Is a yes.
Safrianna: That's so interesting. Yeah. For me as a natural number nine, fear is my Achilles heel. And sometimes fear is what shows me I need to move in that direction. So this is like a perfect example of we need to really tune into what's, what is our signal?
Because for me, if I'm frozen in fear, it just means I don't have all the answers. I don't have the bigger picture for how to pull it together yet. So that's when I know I need to ask for support on, okay there's, threads I'm not able to see here myself. And when I'm not in fear, my yes and no signals are leanings in my body.
I can just feel, I lean back towards my nine, which is the center of the shoulder blades for yes, and I lean forward for no, because I'm moving away from my power center. So that's, I think, so important for each individual to figure out what are their signals for yes and no. And for you, that might be fear.
For me, fears, I
Kaitlyn: like to play it for a decision, right? So I'll think about one option. Do I want to eat whatever turkey sandwich today? And then tune in with my body and see how it feels. And if it's starting to like, Ooh, like constrict a little bit. Okay. I'm noticing that then, okay. Do I want to eat An apple and some almond butter.
Ooh, feels lighter. Okay. Yes. And I agree sometimes with what you were saying of sometimes that fear is often that fear is there for your next up level, right? When it's like a big, especially like a big investment, right? Like I remember investing thousands of dollars. Like in a coach, but similar to the story I shared earlier with Jess, it's there's something that's just yeah, let's saying yes.
Like internally, my body, like my mind, my intuitive voice is screaming yes. But I'm also like starting to bubble up with the fear of those old stories of like, how am I going to pay that off? How am I going to pay for that? What if it doesn't work out? Which are all fear, right? Stories. And yeah, it's interesting to be on this path and witness these patterns.
And then make a decision of yes. And so sometimes for a bigger decision for me, like that, yes, a voice, even though all that fear is still there, I still choose to lean into, but yeah, that's why I think spiritual practice is really important to sit with and be consistent with, because it helps you witness these internal signals and these body signals.
So that you can connect more deeply with your guidance system, your intuition. Yeah,
Safrianna: absolutely. So I was thinking, because I know we could probably chat for the rest of the day about moon stuff. And I'm heading away to go to a flower show this weekend, which is super exciting. And I know that you've got some stuff going on today too.
So I was thinking we could wrap our call maybe by pulling some cards for whoever's tuning in to just be aware of maybe what energy is coming up in the moon. That's fine. So I have several decks here so I can, I'm going to see what deck you're going to grab to decide. I love the insight of this. Let the moon be your guide.
Welcome, Chloe. Glad to see you here. We're going to, just do a quick card draw for the full moon coming up. Each of us will pull, oh, Sacred Spirit. Beautiful.
So I'm going to go ahead and shuffle while you're still pulling the cards out. I'm just going to see what wants to come out here. And I'm just asking any angels, ancestors, guardians, guides, gods, goddesses, universal energy, higher selves, any messages that need to come through for anyone watching. And here we go.
Conclusions are within reach. Oh, that beautiful art.
Kaitlyn: Well,
Safrianna: this, yeah, this is a full moon eclipse card. Interesting. So obviously there's not an actual eclipse coming up right now, but we still are having this eclipse energy within this full moon in ourselves. That card flung itself right at the floor, so it really wanted to come out.
We have work through your fears, and this is a new moon in Scorpio card, and then I'm getting the sense upon a third. Here we go. You and your loved ones are safe, and this is a new moon in Cancer. So what I'm seeing here. is what we were just talking about. There was this time of a lot of fear, a lot of darkness, a lot of emotional turmoil that was coming up for many of us collectively.
And now is really where we get to lean in to knowing that we're working through our fears. This is the heart of the matter right now is we are working through our fears from within this loving heart space. The challenge is remembering that our loved ones are safe in that, right? This financial fear or oh my gosh, how am I going to get to where I'm trying to go?
We need to remember that and another person in my, healing collective just did a reading the other day that said Oh my gosh. You and your family are going to be okay. Even if the financial fear is there right now, which I feel like a lot of us are feeling. So that's what's coming through for me here.
And then the conclusions within reach, this is the strength card. And this is saying if we can go within and tune into this energy that is here, the conclusions right there. What we need to know is right there. We just have to tune into it and allow ourselves to get into that energy. So that's what I'm getting from this.
Kaitlyn: Yeah. And what I was hearing too, is you're always supported. You're always being guided. So lean into the joy. Like you are here to experience joy. Yes, we are vast and we can experience a whole wide array of emotions. And if you need to let go of any of those, I can certainly help you. But, Lean into the joy, despite the fear aiming for that conclusion.
All right. So let's see, I'm going to say what needs to be released collectively. What does something to take a look at for this full moon coming up?
Because her energy is going to be with us starting this weekend. So you can really work with. The full moon energy three days before and three days after usually is that peak energy container.
So we've got the number 31 secret temptation being led astray. And so when I see this, it's reminding me of like how powerful our mind is at how Right when you're ready to take like a new action or go in a new direction, it's like that old pattern gets louder and it's wait, you haven't done this before.
No, this is how we handle this situation. And so be careful, be cautious to take that as a sign of not doing it. Like I shouldn't do it. Oftentimes I refer to this as almost like a full moon moment, like a peak moment, where the energy just like the full moon, she's so bright and beautiful and clear in the sky, like you're, that energy peaks, and if you keep going if you don't allow yourself to be led astray, Like magic can unfold and you even have like these twin owls here,
Safrianna: which
Kaitlyn: often connect to that symbol of intuition or even a vision with owls.
So it's like, what have you been daydreaming about? What have you like, Been manifesting. I don't know. I'm a pretty visual person. My clairvoyance is fairly strong. And so for me when I'm, manifesting I was doing a meditation before we hopped on this live and connecting to my mastermind and seeing it full and seeing the women connecting and me being in my element and getting to share these practices that I know work and I've seen work for other people.
So lean into that, vision and Be cautious, of that strong pattern that comes up. And as it does, hopefully you can allow yourself to release that and let it go. Recognize that. Ooh, okay. Here's that old pattern telling me to be cautious and, not follow my dream.
Okay. I hear you old pattern done with you, not working. I'm ready to lean in, lean into my dreams. So Hopefully you can resonate with that.
Safrianna: Yeah and that goes so hand in hand with the overthinking we were talking about earlier, right? We've gotta acknowledge these parts of us that are so ingrained in our old patterns, our societal patterns, our outdated modes, and we can be done with that pattern, and still welcome that part to come along and hold our hand, and, be honored in what they provided for us to survive to this point.
Yes. Without letting them continue to run the show. So Caitlin, how can people work with you if they want to come work with you and find out more?
Kaitlyn: Yes. So you can follow me on Instagram intuitive moon mentor. You can join my Facebook group, moon manifesting lunar abundance. We always have amazing magic going on in there.
And for the month of March, I am so freaking pumped. If you're ready to let go of some of these old patterns we've been talking about today, if you're ready to own your path, your power, if you're ready to own your energy, if you're ready to own your emotions and your life and create the life you've been dreaming up, I hope that you decide to join the own mastermind, which is starting.
21, which I just love the symbolism of that as well. Oh, it's a beautiful group program and container and you can comment lunar or you can reach out to me and message me and we can chat about that, but there's 10 spots available in there. And I am so pumped for the amazing women who are ready to show up.
Safrianna: Yes. So that is good to know. So you, your circles are mainly for women.
Kaitlyn: Yeah, typically. Yeah.
Safrianna: Awesome. Yeah. So if you are LGBTQIA or an ally and you want to do magic work, transformation work, whatever that's my wheelhouse. So I love being parts of women's circles and whatnot. And then I was like, okay, now, For me, the queer folks, cause I'm the queer spirit guide.
So I love that. And that's going back to we're going to attract the perfect people for us, which I think is so cool. Like you get to have this beautiful men's circle and I'm going to have my radically queer rainbow circle over here. So I have a sacred moon circle program. It's not all lunar stuff.
We have tea time coaching chats. And. manifest your month at the end of the month. We do some mindset work for the month. I also offer individual one on one services. So if my energy speaks to you, I would love for you to reach out. And I just love that we get to introduce each other to our aligned audiences and help find the right people that are ready to work with us.
Kaitlyn: And yes, Josh is amazing.
Safrianna: My Elton John glasses over here. These are my Creatrix glasses. They're the, I'm, I need to be fabulous and shine my red vibrant light. If you want to talk and be a part of my community, we also have a Facebook circle, but Discord is where we really hang out. And Discord is more fun, less business.
We hang out, play video games, post memes and animal pics and stuff like that. So you can find my discord information on any of my pages or livinglunas. com. So thank you so much, Caitlin, for this chat. This was super fun and it's so cool to feel that resonance with you and just like the similarities in our paths.
And I hope that the people that tuned into this really get something out of it. I think that there were a lot of really important gems of wisdom in here that were distilled through. So thank you.
Kaitlyn: Yeah, I love it. Yeah, thank you. It was so fun chatting with you today. And happy moon manifesting, everyone.
Safrianna: Yes, happy full moon, and keep your eyes open for Soul Alchemy, which is the project that Caitlin and I are in, and it is going to be so cool. Alright, have a great weekend, or whatever it is, wherever you are, and many blessings to you. Bye for now.
Living LUNA is founded on the values of Joy, Curiosity, and Compassion. We promote holistic well-being, self-love, and empowerment.
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