The Entrepreneur's Hero Journey: From Trauma Therapist to Queer-Spirit Guide
Once upon a time, in a lifetime long long ago, I was an English teacher. I loved teaching symbolism, storytelling, rhetoric, poetry, and exploring expressive techniques. I actually taught the hero’s journey to my 6th grade students using the original Star Wars film, A New Hope. We had an absolute blast.
But, before I get too nostalgic about my sweet 6th graders, I want to share the hero’s journey and how it applied to coming into alignment with my business dreams. The hero’s journey can teach us a lot about what it means to fully pursue a dream, like my dream of being an entrepreneur. This powerful lens helps us frame how we are all on a path of growth and expansion, moving towards the ideal version of ourselves with each new goal and project we chose to overcome.
P.S. I want to share about EntrepreNERD, today, too — find out more about that toward the end or check it out now.
Star Wars is one of the most popular examples of the Hero's Journey. This story of triumph can also be applied to our own dreams and aspirations in business and beyond.
The Leap into Entrepreneurship: A Hero's Journey
Taking the leap into entrepreneurship is much like embarking on a hero's journey. It requires courage, vision, and a willingness to face the unknown.
When I transitioned from being a trauma therapist to founding Living LUNA, I had to confront my fears and doubts. But like Luke Skywalker leaving Tatooine, I knew that to truly make an impact, I had to step out of my comfort zone and see what was available beyond the limited views of my origin.
This journey has taught me the importance of getting clear on your vision.
As an entrepreneur, you're no longer following someone else's path — you're charting your own course through the galaxy of business. It's both exhilarating and challenging, requiring you to dig deep and really understand what you want to achieve in the world.
What are your gifts? Your super powers? How do they inform your own hero’s journey?
Here are the steps of the classical hero’s journey of literature, some questions for you to consider in your own life, and a reflection on my own path of stepping into the role of the CEO of Living LUNA and the Queer-Spirit Guide!
The Hero's Journey
1 - Ordinary World: The hero's starting point in their familiar environment.
Where are you right now? What are you starting with? Where are you starting from?
This particular path towards being the Queer-Spirit Guide, author, speaker, CEO, and spiritual leader started as being a teacher and then a trauma therapist, working within established systems—ultimately upholding structures I didn’t agree with.
2 - Call to Adventure: The hero receives a call to enter an unknown world of challenge.
What calls to your soul? What is drawing you towards greater?
I had a realization that I could make a bigger impact by starting my own business, Living LUNA, and share in a bigger way. If I didn’t feel confined to following the rigid structures that upheld oppression and limitation, I knew I could soar and speak freely.
3 - Refusal of the Call: The hero initially refuses the call due to fear or insecurity.
What keeps you from leaping towards your dreams?
I didn’t want to “leave my clients.” I worried they’d hate me for “abandoning them” even though I built a multiple month runway and provided an abundance of resources during transition. I felt massive levels of fear around giving up the stability of my private practice career taking insurance, even though it wasn’t entirely stable either. I was afraid to step into my dreams, and pushed out my retirement from that career initially.
4 - Meeting the Mentor: The hero encounters a mentor figure who provides guidance.
Who inspires you? Who guides or mentors you? Where do you look when you need a helping hand?
So many people helped me on the road to making my transition decision. I hired a coach to explore my hesitation about saying yes to my dreams. She guided me through my fears and helped me begin to formulate an earlier exit plan.
I hired mentors, coaches, and consultants to help me lay the ground work for a business that would be built in my design, and met with my Higher Self to get in tune with my own inner vision.
5 - Crossing the Threshold: The hero commits to the adventure and enters the new world.
What’s the turning point for you? What big leap of faith do you need to make to pursue your own dreams?
I crossed the threshold the moment I decided to fully commit to Living LUNA and being the Queer-Spirit Guide. I set a date to leave my traditional therapy practice behind in mid-2023 to pursue a new vision.
6 - Tests, Allies, and Enemies: The hero faces trials, meets friends, and confronts foes.
What challenges are you facing / are you likely to face in the course of your adventure onward?
I’ve faced many obstacles and tests of faith on the path of building my own small business.
At first, I was entirely a solopreneur while still working full time as a therapist. I needed to build a website, get marketing training, create a central brand structure and messaging pillars, get a logo designed, file paperwork and articles of organization.
When my partner really joined on, we expanded, starting a podcast and hiring a VA to help us establish our foundations more firmly.
Then there are the ongoing challenges of needing to anylze the market, build audience on our platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook, expand our newsletter reach, and establish our expertise in the mental health, holistic wellness, and spiritual fields.
And last, there are the straight up challenging moments of dealing with unfortunatly hateful people. As an LGBTQIA+ owned business, we/I have faced hate speech and cold treatement. Those were some of the harder moments, but also strengthened the need for our mission of Uplifting the Others.
7 - Approach to the Inmost Cave: The hero approaches the center of their quest, facing their greatest fear.
Has there been a significant challenge or turning point in your business? How will you embrace your inmost dreams?
Shortly after letting the 1-on-1 therapy part of my career go, I shifted towards creative projects and trying to lead as a Visionary CEO. It was a big transition, and I still felt like I had shaky legs. On top of that, my chronic illness / fibromyalgia was in a massive flare after allowing my nervous system to come back down.
At first, I threw myself into all manners of projects to try and distract from how I was feeling—the fears bubbling up inside me. I was worried I’d be a fraud, not good enough, not capable.
8 - Ordeal: The hero faces their biggest challenge yet.
Have you had a major obstacle or crisis in your business journey? Has your dream, vision, or business faced a major setback?
As we kicked off 2024, my chronic pain seemed okay. But, as I threw myself into overworking on projects throughout the beginning of the year, I kicked up all manners of inner shadows needing to be revealed for me to move forward with clarity and health in my business. I needed to face the beliefs I had about overworking, overgiving, and showing up way too much for others. I needed to shine a light on those last vestiges of people pleasing and codependency that made me feel like I needed to be on all the time.
So, I decided to take a sabbatical. As we’re a start up still getting going, this sabbatical was made with a very deliberate choice—I knew stopping working for a time would mean I would not be brining income in for a time except from passive sources (like books and courses), but since we’ve still been establishing them and getting marketing going, they’re not lucrative right now.
I had to recognize if I kept pushing myself, I would end up even more sick, hospitalized, and unable to contribute to my family and community.
So I chose to take the sabbatical, facing my fears while also trying to relax my nervous system and release my pain.
9 - Reward: The hero survives and gains a reward or achievement.
What have you survived? What have you been richly rewarded with as a result of taking a risk?
As I’ve returned from my break, I feel like we’ve hit a significant milestone for Living LUNA. I realized how much stability is here in our business, my team kept moving forward with the projects that will keep gaining us visibility, and nothing fell apart.
While money was tighter than I’d like, I was honored to have the experience of existing and thriving on very little—not taking any more than I need and enjoying what I have.
Since I’ve had more energy and clarity to give thanks to my ongoing introspection and listening to my soul, I’ve been blogging regularly, enjoying writing again, and continuing to synthesize the long term goals of our business with a plan and vision. It’s been fun.
10 - The Road Back: The hero begins their journey back to the ordinary world.
How are you applying the lessons learned to further grow your business?
I’ve realized the most important thing I can do is slow down to speed up. Giving myself ample creative still time, making plans, and creating room for rest is key to my future.
11 - Resurrection: The hero faces a final test, using everything they've learned.
What would be the next big milestone in your business? How will you know when you’re emerging into a new layer of life and expansion?
As I’ve moved back into my business, being a CEO, creating content, and sharing my message, I’ve kept these lessons about overworing, people-pleasing, and burnout close to heart. These glimmers, the learning gleaned from shadow work and introspection, are guideposts for how I move forward! As I move forward to my next level, it involves being fully resourced while actively defying the systems of compulsory overwork, striving, and hustle culture.
12 - Return with the Elixir: The hero returns with something to improve the ordinary world.
What are the gifts you have to give now? How are you positioned to help others?
With my newfound energy, I am even more excited to deliver masterclasses, talks, moon ceremonies, and, of course, my transformational 1-on-1 services like ReAwakening Rituals and the SOUL SUGAR Self & Cycles deep-dive program.
Because of my unique journey, I’ve amassed the skills of a teacher, spiritual guide, ritual host, therapist, and business mentor. Without my own hero’s journey and the wisdom I’ve learned along the way, I wouldn’t have the unique impact I have with my clients, students, and audiences. The ultimate elixir is the essence of my own integrity, authenticity, and soul alignment.
What a gift!
Authenticity: The Core of the Living LUNA Brand
At the heart of my brand, Living LUNA, is a commitment to authenticity. We celebrate the "weird" and "woo" of the world, creating a space where often-Othered people can come together and thrive. This authenticity extends from our brand identity to our personal lives — we're proudly nerdy, spiritual, and focused on uplifting others.
Our journey as a business hasn't always been smooth sailing. Like the Millennium Falcon navigating an asteroid field, we've had our share of obstacles like being a start up brand, being LGBTQIA+ owned and facing hate speech, and being neurodivergent (ADHD/Autistic) business owners in a hyper neurotypical society. But I'm excited to say that we're at a point where things are coming together and our foundations are smooth.
It’s amazing to look back and see how much we’ve grown. It’s also a delight to keep expanding.
That’s why…
I’m Excited to Present at EntrepreNERD Summit VII
As a lifelong nerd and passionate Star Wars fan, I've always believed in the power of embracing one's authentic self. Just like Ahsoka Tano, who forged her own path outside the traditional Jedi Order, I've found that true success comes from honoring your unique vision and values. This belief has been the driving force behind my entrepreneurial journey with Living LUNA, and I'm thrilled to share some of that wisdom with you at the upcoming EntrepreNERD Summit VII: The Summit Awakens.
This event is a gathering of like-minded nerd entrepreneurs, many of whom share a more holistic, ethical, person-centered, or spiritual dimension to their work. It's an opportunity to connect with people who, like me, see science fiction and fantasy as a way to explore the edges of what's possible.
My workshop, "Awakening the Force Within: Harnessing Mindfulness and Nature's Wisdom for Better Business," will blend concepts from Star Wars, Druidry, and mindfulness practices to help you take your business to the next level. We'll explore how to tap into the life force that flows through all things and apply these concepts to your entrepreneurial path.
Will You Join Me at the Summit?
I invite you to join me and other amazing speakers at the EntrepreNERD Summit VII on August 8th, 2024, from 11 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time. This virtual event is completely free and promises to be a fun, interactive, inspiring, and educational experience.
At the summit, you'll have the chance to:
Learn from passionate, geeky speakers sharing valuable knowledge
Engage directly with presenters in interactive sessions
Network with fellow nerd entrepreneurs
Gain insights and strategies to combat deceptive marketing tactics and build authentic businesses
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a community event that could reshape your entrepreneurial journey. Sign up now and block out your calendar for a day of learning, connection, and nerdy fun!
Entrepreneurship is a journey of self-discovery and growth. It's about having the courage to pursue your vision, staying true to your authentic self, and continually learning and adapting. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned business owner, remember that your unique perspective and passions are your greatest assets.
As we continue to grow and evolve at Living LUNA, I'm excited to share our journey and learnings with you. From our consistent moon calls to our expanding range of offerings, we're committed to creating a space where authenticity and spiritual growth can flourish.
I hope to see you at the EntrepreNERD Summit VII, where we can connect, learn, and celebrate our shared love for all things nerdy and entrepreneurial. May the Force be with you on your business journey!
Loving You Fiercely,
Safrianna Lughna
The Queer-Spirit Guide
Are you looking to create a little more transformation and self-discovery in your life? I'm here to support you every step of the way!
Whether you're looking for free resources or more intensive guidance, I have something for everyone. Join me for free moon ceremonies livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube, or dive into my Butterfly Immersion Course for a structured transformation experience. Whatever level of support you're ready for, I'm here as your Guide and Mentor to help you embrace your wholeness and live your most authentic life. I’m ready if you are!
This month, I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and share wisdom gleaned from my sabbatical, butterfly medicine, and more. Feel free to follow along if you want to learn more about my story! #UltimateBlogChallenge
Want to chat with me directly? Join the LivingLUNAs Discord: