The Chariot: Steering Towards Success

The Chariot and I definitely have some history because this card has shown up for me repeatedly when I'm going through a more difficult phase in life. I've even associated the imagery on the card in my DruidCraft Tarot with the Goddess Brigid, who many people know I've worked with intimately (I briefly mention it in my High Priestess blog). This deck was one that I used almost exclusively when reading for other people; but, for many years it was also the one I used to do my yearly forecasts.

The DruidCraft Chariot card depicts a very strong-willed and powerful looking redheaded woman. She looks so much of what I imagine Brigid to look like. She has her two hands on the reigns of different, seemingly opposing sides and forces which I very much relate to as a Gemini and a Natural Number 9.

This card always reminds me that anything is possible if I put my eyes on the road ahead and steer with confidence. ❤️

Symbolism & Intepretations

The Chariot is typically associated with victory, power, and triumph, but its symbolism goes much deeper than that.

At its core, the Chariot represents the power of the will and the ability to overcome obstacles. The card shows a figure sitting in a chariot, being pulled by two sphinxes or horses in opposite directions. This symbolizes the need to balance opposing forces and harness them towards a common goal.

The Chariot also represents the ability to take control of one's life and move forward with purpose. The figure in the card is often depicted as a warrior or hero, symbolizing the need to harness one's inner strength and courage in the face of adversity.

In addition to these more obvious interpretations, the Chariot has also been associated with the journey of the soul and the need to navigate the twists and turns of life's journey. On a more intellectual level, it may speak to the need to find a balance between the conscious and unconscious mind, or between the physical and spiritual realms.

Affirmation: "I am determined to grow in all the ways I want to."Keywords: Victory, Control, and Determination.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What is a victory you have experienced this month?

  2. What is something that you can do to take better control of an area of your life?

  3. What are you determined to make happen in your life?

  4. How can I balance opposing forces in my life and use them towards a common goal?

  5. What inner strengths and courage do I possess that can help me move forward with purpose?

  6. In what ways am I navigating the twists and turns of my life's journey, and how can I stay focused on my goals?

  7. How can I find the balance between my conscious and unconscious mind, or between the physical and spiritual realms?

Here in the Living LUNA community, our theme for April is “Sowing the Seeds of Curiosity!” Throughout the month of April, we'll explore the journey of the Fool alongside the symbolism of the Major Arcana cards from Tarot. Each archetype offers opportunities for self-reflection! Follow along or participate in our community by joining our Discord server at:

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Strength: Courage in the Face of Adversity


The Lovers: The Power of Choice