Strength: Courage in the Face of Adversity
The last several years of my life have truly been a trial of finding my own inner Strength. Strength in tarot represents our courage and ability to overcome adversity which was a major karmic lesson for me in this lifetime.
After leaving an abusive relationship and a community that spiritually bypassed, I didn't know who or what I was for a time. I had so deeply identified with people who did not truly value, witness, or support me. I was codependent as hell. These were people who refused to talk about and acknowledge the impact of abuse on people. They preferred toxic positivity and ostracizing those that felt the status quo should be challenged. And I had looked up to them.
For about a year, I felt confused, swimming in the swamp of years of sorrow, trauma, and bittersweet memories. During that time, I dove into every self-development strategy I could get my hands on and focused on unpacking my deepest, darkest shit.
Mm, let me just say, it was VERY worth the journey.
Today, I'm celebrating Easter and the Spring season with my beloved chosen family. We're making brioche Easter bread and deviled eggs, listening to music, and laughing a whole lot. My heart feels like it could crack open and expose all of the light of the universe within me.
This is the good life. A life where I can be my strongest self, having had the courage to face my fears and stand in my convictions about bowing out from the lives of people who did not share my values. The Strength tarot card is a powerful reminder of our own inner strength and ability to overcome challenges.
What's possible for you when you find the courage within to go for your dreams? :)
Symbolism & Interpretations
A woman, adorned in a white robe and a garland of flowers, stands calmly and confidently, facing a powerful lion with poise and grace. The lion, a symbol of the primal and instinctual aspects of ourselves, is neither tamed nor vanquished, but rather seems to be at peace, allowing the woman to place her hand on its head in a gesture of gentle authority.
The woman's gaze is serene, her face glowing with a gentle light that speaks of her inner strength and courage. She radiates a sense of inner peace and tranquility, even as she confronts the lion. The Strength card is a visual reminder of the power of the mind and the heart, of the ability to harness one's own inner strength and use it to overcome even the most difficult challenges in life.
The symbolism of the card is rich and layered. The white robe and the flowers speak of purity and innocence, while the lion embodies the raw power of the natural world. The woman's calm demeanor and her ability to connect with the lion speak of a deep spiritual connection with all of creation, of an understanding that we are all connected and that we all have the power to overcome our own inner demons and rise to new heights of consciousness.
The Strength card is a testament to the power of courage and the human spirit. It speaks of the need to tap into our own inner strength and use it to face the challenges of life with grace and confidence. It is a card of hope, of resilience, and of the belief that no matter what we may face in life, we always have the power to overcome it, to rise above it, and to thrive.
Keywords: Inner Strength, Courage, and Fortitude.
Reflection Questions:
What is a way you have displayed courage or inner strength in the face of adversity?
What is a courageous act you have witnessed that impacted you?
What does inner strength mean to you?
In what areas of your life do you feel the most confident and empowered?
What fears do you need to overcome in order to tap into your inner strength?
How can you cultivate a sense of inner strength and resilience in your life?
What role does courage play in your ability to access your inner strength?
Here in the Living LUNA community, our theme for April is “Sowing the Seeds of Curiosity!” Throughout the month of April, we'll explore the journey of the Fool alongside the symbolism of the Major Arcana cards from Tarot. Each archetype offers opportunities for self-reflection! Follow along or participate in our community by joining our Discord server at:
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