Hope for the Future as I Look Back
I’m celebrating my first week as a newly 35-year-old, having spent the prior week in deep contemplation and reflection on year 34. I want to share some things that've been on my heart and mind as I find myself in this in between integration space.
In this blog, you can read about my collective reflections, looking back on the major experiences of year 34, and what I’m wishing for in year 35! Let’s dive in.
A Collective Pulse of Hope
Before I get into more personal reflection, I want to take a macro-level view. Over these past few months, I’ve seen a massive shift. As I look at the Collective right now, I've been so inspired lately by the people I see stepping boldly into fighting for justice, equality, authenticity, compassion, curiosity, joy, autonomy, and personal truth.
I'm heartened by how many people I see waking up from the really toxic and scary culture that we find ourselves in today, demanding more love, ease, and joy.
We're starting to question things like greed, needless killing, hatred, and fear tactics.
When we look around, we see so much pain and heartbreak. We see division and separation consciousness at every turn, and at times, it can feel like there's no point in continuing like we might as well just give up.
But we're not giving up, and that gives me so much hope.
I see more of us standing in the power of what we are here to offer, of how we can heal ourselves without pressure and support one another.
We're contemplating how we can create more equitable circumstances for the incredibly diverse people on this planet.
I see more people willing to have hard conversations and those who can't make it very clear so that we know to just move on. It's always sad when separation has to occur—when we leave an old community behind or find ourselves leaving a relationship of many years. It's heartbreaking when we realize we can't be in community with others and have to let go of relationships with people that we love unconditionally.
But unconditional love does not mean enabling poor behavior or failing to call out the shadows that are hurting everyone.
Unconditional love means standing in the truth of boundaries and what it takes to be in healthy communion with one another.
I love you. I love this planet. I love all living beings, and I have so much hope for all of us. If you ever lose hope, I'll be here with a torch.
Reflections on Being 34
My 34th year of life was a wild ride.
In June, I kicked it off with my 34th "Lucky" birthday party, got myself a stunning cake from Sage Cakery run by a local acquaintance, got some cute outfits, and later went to what I call "Little Lemuria," a beautiful place in the woods in Virginia that I am going to be returning to this week, actually!
In July 2023, I moved while still working full time as a therapist and transitioning out of my massive client caseload.
In August, I finally let my therapy practice go. This really saw me in the next chapter of my life! I leaped once more out of a traditional system to begin to pave my own way. This was another example of breaking free from the shackles of societal norms and ideals that continued to make me feel limited. But I realized that the key to releasing those bindings was in my mind—I had to choose to let them go because they weren’t for me. No one else could keep me trapped in it at this point. I had to let go of my practice on an energetic and emotional level first, seeing the spiritual growth in it, and ultimately making the choice and action to step away—a process that took me from January to the end of August to complete. It was a tremendous amount of internal and external work with no real backup plan, but here I am almost a year later, and I'm still going!
I wrapped up August of 2023 by going to Camp Yes, an event hosted by one of my former coaches, Kaela. That event led me to meet my now wonderful virtual assistant, Rachel—I am grateful for her every day! She helps get so many background things done in my business that I would not have time and attention for otherwise. I ended up hiring her in November, and we started to work together in December. It was one of the turning points for Living LUNA!
In August, I ran my Butterfly Immersion live. It was an absolutely life-altering program for those who participated as well as myself and for all of the future clients who will receive the wisdom in that now self-paced program. I'm actually going through the Immersion again right now, which has been eye-opening to me as I examine and explore my own relationship with overwork and where I continue to this day to struggle to speak my desires with the clarity I can. It's been transformative to navigate those shadows here this June as I'm celebrating my 35th birthday.
In September of my 34th year, I traveled to Montana for a week with my partner, Justin, to study the wisdom of the Natural Numbers with the Body of 9 community. I'm so excited that now I am exploring and stepping into how I can offer that to my local community and the world around me because that wisdom was so important.
Upon returning to Maryland in October, I began the recruitment process for the Shadow Alchemy book after Jess and I chose to collaborate on that project. October was spent creating a lot of marketing materials, throwing myself into calls with potential authors, and getting into a business mindset to a very high degree.
In November, I launched Bumble Bees and White Balloons, my debut fiction novel, which received incredible feedback and made me feel even more passionate about my impact in the world.
In December, Justin and I traveled to Sedona to collaborate with Mary Gooden on the Gift for Self retreat, which was one of the most intimate and joyful experiences I've ever had in my life! Truly, the profound levels of freedom and joy that were experienced by each of us there were extraordinary—sharing feelings, art, and poems, eating meals together, hiking, and feeling the energy of the land together. Each of us had our own boundaries and ability to choose throughout: it was just so sacred, and we shared so many gifts physically and energetically in the most beautiful ways.
From January through February, I was mostly focused on Shadow Alchemy and beginning the process of working on my poetry book, A Woman's Work.
In February, I lost my Facebook account suddenly to a random and unexplained ban. I was given no recourse to get my account back and ended up working with a lawyer to have the account reinstated. It was never shared why my account was taken down in the first place, but this was a life-altering moment as it made me realize how dependent I was on social media and how my entire audience had really become a global online group that I could lose contact with at any moment. It was frightening and also really important to get clear on how to move forward. I spent that month in deep contemplation and stillness, mainly focusing on the two upcoming books.
In March, I felt a lot of resignation, believing I was not going to get my account back and settling into what was next. I actually felt a lot of excitement as I settled into live without social media, and was doing a ton of energy work. I worked with several healers around this time, including Marissa and Charmaine, both gifted healers and intuitives. It was a very reflective time. My understanding of the shadows of Natural Numbers, as well as the Transformational Flow, came through with incredible potency. These will be instrumental in my approach to work and community moving forward!
In March, I also met up with a new friend for the first time who would go on to be an absolutely impactful beta reader for A Woman's Work. Deep gratitude to Harmony Lee!
In April, we launched Shadow Alchemy on the Eclipse, and it was one of the most magical possible experiences! It just opened me up to new levels of what was possible on an energetic level, what we could do as a Collective coming together, and the profound impact of even 20 people coming together to focus on something together.
In May, I launched A Woman's Work, my debut poetry book, after my incredible beta readers returned their feedbacl. I had so much fun crafting the book, learned so much about what I'm capable of, and how much I can put together. This book really represents what I can do myself with energetic support and some final proofreading. It was so nourishing to see what was possible in that way.
My Wishlist for 35
So this year, as I move forward into my 35th year, I want to focus on building meaningful and lasting relationships. I want to have my creativity and play at the forefront for my own enjoyment. I want to love myself and others even more deeply, standing in the truth of the power of love as the most important thing I can do. I want to continue channeling what I call the voice of love, continue breathing and being, continuing to practice and deepen ritual and the flow that comes with it, providing ceremony openly for my local and global communities.
My wish list for this year ahead includes:
Finally getting floors for our home. We have been living in a gutted home for the last year, and we've painted walls but are living on splintered sub-flooring with a few strategically placed carpets here and there. I am ready to raise the money for that, which will be at least $7,000.
A pollinator garden completely grown in my yard by the time I turn 36.
Four more published books.
Another amazing creative retreat and adult playground where we are so excited to be in community with one another, with joy, curiosity, and compassion at the forefront and uplifting one another.
Ten or so incredible clients enrolling in SOUL SUGAR over the course of this upcoming year. I am excited that when they come to me, they will be so ready to get to know themselves on a multi-dimensional level. I love to open my heart and serve deeply in this way.
I am consistently opening passive income streams through my books, the Butterfly Immersion and The RISE from the SOIL course. Money is coming in from unexpected sources, sponsors, angel investors, and collaborators, and we feel so blessed to be in business. Living LUNA as a brand is receiving more support. We have our social media manager and community moderators in our Discord.
My body is vibrantly healthy and healthier than it has been in memorable history. I am building muscle and highlighting all the areas of my body that I love in strength and suppleness. I'm in excellent health.
I continue to have lasting and deepening romantic love with my partners, and it's my best year yet.
I have so much hope for myself, others, and the world as I step into this next year. I know the world at large is in pain and struggling, and I believe so many of us are waking to realize we can do and be more in this beautiful life.
May we all wake up to our inner wisdom and thrive.
Loving You Fiercely,
Safrianna Lughna,
The Queer-Spirit Guide
Out Now!!! A Woman’s Work, a memoir told through a three arc poetry collection. Book written and produced by Safrianna Lughna, published by Luna Counseling & Creative Services, aka Living LUNA.
An Invitation to Work With Me
I am opening up two client spots starting in July for SOUL SUGAR, my flexible 3 to 6-month 1-on-1 support container where you break free from the cycles you feel stuck in so you can step into the joy-fueled, self-awakened life of your dreams.
My ReAwakening Rituals will continue to be available. These are powerful 90-minute customized ceremonies for your personal awakening, and are one of my favorite ways to serve!
You can find out more details about my work, or book here: https://www.safrianna.com/1-on-1-with-safrianna
Join the conversation on the Living LUNAs Discord!
#SelfReflection #Personal #Journal #Birthday #Safrianna