Moon Magic Unleashed: Why My Circles Shine Bright
We’re at an exciting time in the world right now where more and more people are awakening to their Higher Selves, opening to their soul’s wisdom, and choosing to pave their own spiritual path.
Spiritual offerings and teachings are readily available thanks to social platforms and specialized streaming services. So with so many free moon circles and spiritual offerings out there, what set’s mine apart? Why would you chose to attend one of the free bi-monthly moon ceremonies with me, Safrianna Lughna, the Queer-Spirit Guide?
A Safe, Brave, and Sacred Space for All
In my moon circles, everyone is welcome, celebrated, and loved exactly as they are. Whether you identify as queer, neurodivergent, are healing from past traumas, or are simply seeking a deeper connection with yourself and the universe, my ceremonies are designed to be a warm, inclusive, and supportive container for your unique journey.
As a Licensed Trauma Therapist, prior public school teacher, and spiritual leader, I know every participant is different and seek to provide a structure where everyone is informed, able to participate or not participate as they see fit, and can access with or without needing to “out” themselves in any way.
Want to dive in deep? Go for it! Prefer to dip your toes? That's cool too! There's zero pressure to share more than feels comfy. This is your space to explore, heal, and grow at whatever pace feels right for you.
Where the Magic Happens
Through guided visualizations, intuitive insights, and the power of community, my moon circles invite you to tap into your own inner wisdom and explore the depths of your own relationship with spirituality.
Each ceremony is an opportunity to shed what no longer serves you, set powerful intentions, and align with the energy of the moon to manifest your deepest desires.
When people routinely show up for themselves in this way, they uncover deeper patterns playing out in their lives.
In my moon ceremonies, people routinely meet new guides like animal zodiac helps to work with. They have AHA moments, making connections with their own patterns and the symbolism in their own lives. It’s my favorite when people share what they’ve seen, sensed, or felt during our time together!
Authentic, Heart-Centered Guidance
As the Queer-Spirit Guide, I bring my whole self authentically to everything I do. I value sovereignty, empowerment, and expression. I believe every being is unique and perfectly designed. I'm not here to push any ideologies or tell you the "right" way to do things. Whatever I offer is in the highest spirit of love, while also acknowledging the reality of the shadow, and the importance of loving what is there too.
I meet you where you are, see your unique potential, and offer loving support as you navigate your spiritual journey. I support you just as much as I support your neighbor who is entirely different from you. I believe in the inherent worth of every person, and the unlimited potential they possess for love, joy, and creativity.
My approach is grounded in years of experience as a therapist, educator, and spiritual seeker, but it's also infused with a healthy dose of joy, playfulness, and magic.
In group experiences like my moon ceremonies, this means I encourage you to be as you are, experience the ceremony however is right for you, and share what and when you want in the chat in the highest good of all.
The Cosmic Rhythm
My moon circles have a flow—a rhythm. This familiar beat helps you relax and go deeper each time you show up.
Here's the standard structure:
Setting the Vibe: We ground ourselves and I chat about what's happening in the sky.
Intention Magic and Energy Cleanse: Set your personal intentions and clear out any energy that's not serving you.
Guided Visualization Adventure: I'll be your tour guide to your inner world, where you might meet some pretty cool spiritual pals or stumble upon mind-blowing symbolism.
Reflection and Sharing (if you want): Jot down your thoughts, and share in the chat if you're feeling it.
Collective Card Reading: I wrap up with some cardboard wisdom for the weeks ahead.
Everyone's Welcome at This Party
The most important thing to me is inclusivity. I get that everyone experiences things differently, so my ceremonies are designed to be trauma-informed and neurodivergent-friendly, as well as “nondenominational.”
Want to move, dance, or do your own thing during meditation? Go right ahead! This is a judgment-free zone.
Testimonials: Moon Circle Love Letters
Here's what some of my beloved moon circle participants have to say:
"Safrianna makes each of her Circles a safe and welcoming space for self exploration. I have really enjoyed the knowledge Safrianna shares, having someone so knowledgeable guide me through the rituals and the opportunity to tap into my self knowing and intuition in a warm and safe container. Give it a try! Safrianna is a calm and welcoming guide." - S.F
"Safrianna creates a safe and sacred space for you to grow your spiritual practice. I was seeking a community where I could be free to be me and explore my spirituality on a deeper level. It's calm, inviting, and profound work! I loved Safrianna's guided visualization the most. It was nice to lay down and receive insight and imagery. I created a beautiful art piece based on my guided visualization that has deep meaning for me and my life." - M.S.H.
Your Invitation to the Moon Circle Magic
So, if you're ready to experience the power of moon magic for self-expansion, self-empowerment, and soul-alignment, I invite you to join on my Facebook page or YouTube—where together, we create a space for powerful presence and transformation. If you subscribe to the Living LUNA YouTube, you can opt to be notified about new podcast releases and my latest lives.
You are a divine being with infinite potential!
I'm here to celebrate as you unlock that potential, one moment at a time.
With All My Love,
Safrianna Lughna
The Queer-Spirit Guide
P.S. Check out my other blogs all about my moon ceremonies here:
Safrianna’s Sacred Moon Ceremonies—FAQs & What to Expect if You Participate
Embracing Your Rhythm: Why My Moon Ceremonies Might Be Your Missing Element
Reflections on the New Moon in Cancer Ceremony—Returning from Sabbatical with Joy and Gratitude
Dancing with the Moon: How I Found My Love of Hosting Lunar Rituals
This month, I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and share wisdom gleaned from my sabbatical, butterfly medicine, and more. Feel free to follow along if you want to learn more about my story! #UltimateBlogChallenge
Want to chat with me directly? Join the LivingLUNAs Discord: