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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The World: A Symbol of Completion and New Beginnings

This month, I delved into the symbolism of the World card, experiencing profound insights into completion and new beginnings. Through daily study and reflection, I deepened my understanding of the power of symbolism in guiding compassionate self-reflection.

In my role as an Intuitive Healer and Divine Channel, I embrace the richness of symbolism to enhance our understanding of life's journey. Despite challenges, including financial struggles and inner healing, I've embraced transformation. I've stepped away from old patterns of codependency, making space for authentic growth and new opportunities.

This year marks a significant transition from my career as a trauma therapist to embodying my role as a Queer-Spirit Guide and activist. It's been a journey of self-discovery, defining what this new chapter means to me and how I can authentically share my message with the world.

As I face the future with optimism and trust in the Universe, I celebrate both completion and new beginnings. What feels complete in your life right now? What new adventures are on the horizon?

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Judgment: A Symbol of Transformation and Personal Responsibility

The Judgment tarot card embodies profound themes of spiritual awakening, rebirth, and personal responsibility. It depicts a scene of resurrection, with an angel blowing a trumpet as people rise from their graves to be judged. This imagery symbolizes a moment of reckoning, calling individuals to evaluate their past actions and make positive changes. The card serves as a powerful reminder of accountability, urging us to take responsibility for our choices and their consequences. Additionally, the Judgment card signifies a period of intense personal growth and transformation, where old patterns and beliefs are shed in favor of new insights and understandings. Though challenging, this process leads to greater clarity and self-awareness. Ultimately, the Judgment tarot card invites us to embrace change, reflect on our past actions, and move towards a more authentic and purposeful life. Through self-evaluation and embracing transformation, we find liberation in honesty and truth, paving the way for renewal and self-discovery.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The Sun: A Symbol of Enlightenment and Joy

The Sun card in Tarot radiates with positivity, symbolizing enlightenment, vitality, and joy. Associated with the zodiac sign Leo, it signifies success, happiness, and achievement. This card encourages expressing one's true self and letting their light shine brightly. It embodies the realization of innermost desires and goals, fostering growth and expansion. Moreover, the Sun card represents spiritual awakening and understanding the interconnectedness of all things. It invites individuals to stay grounded, seek personal growth, and discover their divinity within and in others. Embracing the Sun's energy entails celebrating simple pleasures, finding gratitude in every moment, and spreading positivity to others. As you reflect on areas of success and joy in your life, consider how to cultivate more of these feelings daily. Identify obstacles hindering your goals and devise strategies to overcome them. Connect deeply with your inner light and radiance through practices aligning with your true self. Finally, embrace actions that promote kindness and compassion, creating a ripple effect of positivity in your community.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The Moon in Tarot: Depths of the Psyche

The Moon tarot card is a powerful symbol of the unconscious mind and the shadow self. It invites us to confront our fears and anxieties, to explore the depths of our psyche, and to cultivate our intuition. Usually depicting a full moon over water and mountains, with dogs howling and a crayfish emerging, it symbolizes the dualities of the psyche—conscious and unconscious, light and dark. Associated with Pisces and ruled by Neptune, it reflects intuition and spiritual nature. Despite its mystery, the Moon holds potential for growth and transformation. Embrace the journey and trust in your inner voice amidst uncertainty.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The Tower Tarot Card: Embracing Transformation and Growth

The Tower tarot card, depicting a crumbling tower struck by lightning, symbolizes sudden upheaval, chaos and the destruction of old patterns. Though confronting at first, it ultimately represents a transformative process - a wake-up call to demolish beliefs and structures that no longer serve us in order to create space for growth, rebirth and rebuilding a new reality aligned with our highest good.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Understanding the Devil

The Devil tarot card represents our primal urges, desires, and the darker shadow aspects of human nature. Though often misunderstood as evil, it encourages self-examination of areas where we feel enslaved by temptation, addiction or unhealthy patterns. The chained figures depict bondage to our impulses, challenging us to liberate ourselves by embracing our sovereign power over the seductions of materialism and excess.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Temperance: Balance & Harmony

The Temperance tarot card symbolizes balance, moderation, and harmony. It depicts an angelic figure pouring water between two cups, representing finding the middle ground and avoiding excess. Temperance encourages us to seek equilibrium in our thoughts, emotions, and actions by practicing self-control and patience. By cultivating a harmonious flow between opposing forces, we can lead a more fulfilling life.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The Hanged Man: A Moment of Surrender

The Hanged Man tarot card represents surrender, sacrifice, and letting go. Despite its unsettling imagery of a figure hanging upside down, it symbolizes voluntarily surrendering control to gain a new perspective. The number 12 suggests the end of a cycle and impending transformation. By embracing the unknown and trusting the journey, we can find peace, clarity and move forward with purpose.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The Wheel of Fortune: The Rhythms of Life

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card represents the cyclical nature of life, the unpredictability of fate, and the role of karma. It reminds us that what goes around comes around, so we should carefully consider the energy we put out into the world. The sphinx symbol suggests understanding these cycles requires deeper insight, while the four creatures represent the elements – earth, air, fire, and water – which are connected to life's rhythms.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The Lovers: The Power of Choice

Discover the profound symbolism of The Lovers card in tarot, transcending mere romantic relationships to encompass the union of conscious and subconscious, light and dark energies within ourselves. Join Safrianna as she unravels the complexities of this card, shedding light on the power of choice, divine intervention, and inner balance.

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Spiritual Safrianna Lughna Spiritual Safrianna Lughna

The Hierophant: Tradition & Spirituality

Explore the enigmatic archetype of The Hierophant in tarot, embodying tradition, spirituality, and guidance. Join Safrianna on a journey of self-discovery as she delves into the symbolism and interpretations of this influential card, offering insights and reflection questions to help you navigate your spiritual path with authenticity and empowerment.

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Spiritual Rachel Kmecheck Spiritual Rachel Kmecheck

The Emperor: Balancing Energies of Power and Control

Explore the dynamic archetype of The Emperor in tarot, embodying authority, structure, and control. Join me as we delve into the symbolism and interpretations of this powerful card, offering insights and reflection questions to help you navigate the balance between assertiveness and flexibility in your life journey.

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spiritual Safrianna Lughna spiritual Safrianna Lughna

Embracing the Unknown: Exploring the Fool Card in Tarot

Discover the transformative journey of embracing the archetype of The Fool in tarot. Explore the symbolism and interpretations of card 0 in the Major Arcana, and learn how to embrace new beginnings, adventure, and taking risks in life. Join Safrianna's journey of self-discovery and reflection as she shares insights and prompts to cultivate a sense of playfulness and curiosity.

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spritual Safrianna Lughna spritual Safrianna Lughna

The April Fool - Sowing the Seeds of Curiosity: A Tarot Journey of Self-Reflection

Discover the transformative power of tarot as Safrianna shares her personal journey from fear to empowerment. Join her "April Fool" event as she explores the symbolism of tarot cards, offers reflection prompts, and affirmations to sow seeds of curiosity and self-awareness. Dive deep into the human soul and embrace the multifaceted nature of life with tarot as your guide.

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